What Does it Mean to be Healthy?

In the U.S., we spend almost $5 trillion on healthcare, 17.6% of our GDP — that’s $14,750 per person. And we are not healthy: 40% of Americans are obese, 39% will develop cancer in their lifetime, and 12% are diagnosed with diabetes. This sounds dismal.

What is Health?

The answer might seem obvious, but each of us is unique.

For me, a healthy body means doing activities with my children and not getting left behind. It also means keeping in shape so when my grandchildren are old enough, so I won’t be left behind then, either.  For Hayley, it means cultivating energy, stamina, nutrition, joy, and emotional well-being to care for her family and being a great friend. For Hillary, a mom in her forties, her focus is now on longer-term goals, such as increasing muscle mass and bone density.

And for Garland, health is defined as having the physical stamina and mental energy to continue interacting positively with his wife, family and friends, and with as many of the the people around me as he can; and still being able to give strength, experience and capabilities to make small but meaningful contribution to the well-being of the world.

As Garland eloquently puts it,

“Without our health, we simply take from the world around us when simple humanity demands that we give more than we take.”

But at the end of the day, how do we know we are healthy?  Achieving health is a lifestyle.  It is not just taking multiple supplements or running a marathon.  It is not just avoiding red dye and eating only plants.  There are people who eat no processed foods, compete in triathlons, eat all the ‘right’ supplements and still die of heart disease or cancer.

We certainly cannot predict disease, but what we can do understand is that a healthy life is a mindset for living each day to our full potential.

Three Measurements of Health

To simplify things, we began with the most basic ways to find out your current health status. We found just three items you can tick off to help determine whether you are on the right track to achieving longevity.

While these seemingly have nothing to do with specific foods, these exercises have everything to do with what you eat.

If you are obese, weak, and not flexible, these measurements will be hard to achieve.  If you eat a balanced healthy diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and protein, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep, you will most likely complete these exercises. From there, you can determine that you can toward reaching your healthy goals for your age.

What is your VO2 Max?

Peter Attia, MD, who wrote Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, points to VO2 max as the best predictor of longevity.

It is not just a measurement for athletes, but a cardiovascular indicator for everyone.

VO2 Max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise. When you breathe, your lungs take in oxygen and deposit it into the bloodstream. Your heart and blood vessels take the oxygen-rich blood and send it to your muscles, which use it to work hard and contract.

Oxygen is also necessary for your cells to create ATP, your cell’s energy engine. This molecule found in our cells provides energy for cellular functions, nerve impulse transmission, and protein synthesis.  Basically, the more efficiently you use oxygen, the more ATP your muscles produce.

In a study of over 100,000 individuals, there was a clear trend between VO2 max levels and mortality risk.

The results showed that higher VO2 max levels were associated with lower all-cause mortality risk, with the most significant difference observed between the lowest fitness group and the other groups.

The most precise way to measure your VO2 max is to go to a lab where you run or bike with a Darth Vader-looking mask.  You can search Fitnescity for a location or ask your doctor. Fitness trackers also measure it, but they are not as accurate.

Improving Your VO2 Max

While VO2 max naturally declines with age, you can improve or maintain it with regular exercise, particularly high intensity interval training, which is also good for your brain.

Can you hang?

Hanging from a bar measures your grip strength, which measures your overall muscle ratio – a good indicator of overall fitness.

We use our hands for virtually everything: weight training, gardening, opening jars, vacuuming, cooking, pulling suitcases through long airports…the list is endless.

If your grip is strong, it means that your arm and shoulders are strong and that you have been exercising. If you are exercising, you probably have an appropriate BMI and body fat percentage.

Interestingly, according to a meta-analysis published in NIH, a decline in grip strength can lead to heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

“Not enough can be said about the importance of grip strength as you age. It’s one of the strongest physical associations with longer life”. 

– Peter Attia, MD

Attia says that a 40-year-old woman should be able to hang for 1 minute 30 seconds and a man for 2 minutes.

Can you stand up and sit down without your hands?

Kelly and Juliet Starrett wrote the book, Built to Move, outlining ten essential habits to help you move freely and live fully.  One of their mobility tests is your ability to get up and down off the floor without assistance.

In a joint study published in a 2014 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, researchers observed and scored 2,002 men and women ages 51-80 on how well they performed the sit and rise test. The more the subjects had to use their hands, the lower the score. The bottom 8% of performers had a lower survival rate.

“It is well known that aerobic fitness is strongly related to survival, but our study also shows that maintaining high levels of body flexibility, muscle strength, power-to-body weight ratio and co-ordination are not only good for performing daily activities but have a favorable influence on life expectancy.”

2014 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology

What do these tests have to do with food?

A healthy lifestyle can sound complicated but basically it boils down to two things: move a lot and eat well.

We have all heard that ‘sitting is the new smoking’.  If you are sedentary, your body is not strong, flexible, and can efficiently burn calories. Your risk of cardiometabolic disorders just goes up. Many of us who must sit at our desks a lot of the day try to stand up every 45 minutes and move around.

Fat doesn’t make you fat — sugar makes you fat. Eating well really means eating fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, protein, and staying away from sugar. Excess sugar is what gets stored as fat, not necessarily excess healthy fats.

The Lancet documented 5,800 deaths and 4,800 cardiovascular disease events.  They found that higher saturated and unsaturated fat intake was associated with lower risk of stroke and not associated with cardiovascular disease mortality.  Whereas high carbohydrate intake (sugars) was associated with a higher risk of mortality.

Here’s How to Combat Winter Illnesses

Winter illnesses are making their presence known with a vengeance this year.

But fear not! There are simple steps we can take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from these seasonal maladies. Let’s dive into why this winter has been particularly rough on our health and explore how we can boost our defenses through better eating habits and proper hygiene.

The Winter Illness Surge of 2025

This winter has seen a significant uptick in various illnesses.

Flu season is in full swing, with 40 states reporting high or very high levels of flu-like illness. The “stomach bug” is also making its rounds, with the CDC reporting that norovirus outbreaks in early December reached their highest levels since 2012. Add to this the ongoing concerns about COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, like RSV, and we’ve got ourselves a perfect storm of winter illnesses.

So, why the sudden surge? Experts point to several factors:

  • Increased indoor gatherings during the holiday season
  • More travel, allowing viruses to spread across regions
  • Colder temperatures driving people indoors where germs can spread more easily
  • Weakened immune systems from inflammation due to poor eating habits and drinking; also, potentially reduced exposure to germs since Covid lockdowns
  • Stress from the holiday rush

The Power of Prevention: Handwashing and Healthy Eating

Now that we know what we’re up against, let’s talk about our best line of defense: prevention.

Two of the most effective ways to ward off these winter bugs are proper handwashing and maintaining a healthy diet. Let’s break these down:

Handwashing: Your First Line of Defense

Similar to food prep, cleanliness and hygiene best practices are key to mitigating illness – and not just for yourself.

It might seem simple, but washing your hands properly is one of the most powerful tools we have against the spread of illness and spreading it to others in your community. In fact, a good, old fashioned scrub with soap and water is even more effective than using hand sanitizers.

The CDC recommends handwashing as one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness, with studies showing it can reduce the number of people who get colds and respiratory illnesses by 21%.

Remember to wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially before eating or preparing food, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.

Eating Better: Fueling Your Immune System

While handwashing helps keep germs at bay, eating a healthy, balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to fight off infections. A well-nourished body is better equipped to handle the onslaught of winter viruses.

10 Immune-Boosting Foods for Winter Wellness

Check out these ten superstar foods that can help keep your immune system in top shape this winter:

  • Salmon: This fatty fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. It’s also rich in vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in immune function.
  • Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help boost your immune system. Vitamin C may help increase the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections.
  • Yogurt: Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in immune function. Look for yogurts with live and active cultures for maximum benefit.
  • Spinach: This leafy green is rich in vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants and beta carotene. These nutrients can help boost your immune system’s ability to fight off infections.
  • Almonds: Packed with vitamin E, almonds can help support immune system function. They’re also a good source of healthy fats and protein, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied.
  • Sweet potatoes: The rich orange color of sweet potatoes comes from beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin is crucial for maintaining the health of your skin, which is your body’s first line of defense against pathogens.
  • Green tea: Rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, green tea may enhance immune function. It also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that may aid in the production of germ-fighting compounds in your T-cells.
  • Garlic: This pungent bulb contains compounds that may help stimulate the immune system. Some studies suggest that garlic can help reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms.
  • Ginger: This spicy root has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. It may help decrease inflammation and can help soothe a sore throat or upset stomach.
  • Turmeric: This bright yellow spice contains curcumin, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies suggest it may help boost immune function.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can provide your body with a wide range of nutrients that support immune function.

Remember, variety is key – aim to eat lean proteins with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting a diverse array of nutrients.

Need inspiration?

Check out our seared salmon with broccolini and spaghetti squash recipe here.

Beyond Diet and Handwashing: Additional Tips for Staying Healthy

While proper nutrition and hand hygiene are crucial, there are several other steps you can take to protect yourself from winter illnesses:

  • Keep common surfaces clean: Just like we do when preparing food, be sure to regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home, like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops.
  • Avoid touching your face: Try to keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Dress appropriately: Wear warm clothing when going outside to protect yourself from the cold, which can weaken your immune system.
  • Stay active: Regular exercise can help boost your immune system. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
  • Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining a strong immune system. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours per night.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps your body function optimally, including your immune system.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can weaken your immune system. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. And boost your serotonin levels to fight seasonal woes with these foods.
  • Get vaccinated: Despite us entering the winter months, it’s not too late to protect yourself for the rest of the season. Make sure you’re up to date on your seasonal vaccines.

Staying healthy isn’t just about avoiding sickness – it’s about giving our body the tools it needs to thrive.

So the next time you’re tempted to skip handwashing or reach for that sugary snack, think about how these small choices can impact your overall health.

Taking care of each other

Let’s make this winter a season of wellness for ourselves and our community. After all, every person who stays healthy is one less person spreading illness to others. So wash those hands, enjoy a colorful, nutrient-rich meal, and here’s to a healthier, happier winter for all of us!

The Year Ahead in Food & Health

Drawing from various consumer insights and data outlook reports on food and nutrition trends, this article outlines the key themes shaping the industry for 2025.

Personalized Nutrition Through Data-Driven Approaches

There is no ‘one size fits all’. Intuitively, we know this, but do we approach our food – and thus our health – with an individualistic view? For instance, your blood sugar responds very differently to the same food that your spouse or friend are eating. Today, advancements in technology and access to biometric data are enabling highly personalized nutrition solutions.

Google ‘personalized nutrition’ and a host of options pop up.  There are multiple choices to test one’s blood, food allergies, and genomics to see what foods are best for you. Many people have also started to wear a glucose monitor just to see how foods affect their blood sugars.

Biofach, as well as other trend reports, highlights that wearable devices and apps will increasingly guide dietary choices tailored to individual metabolic responses, activity levels, and genetic predispositions. This aligns with a broader shift toward precision health, where food and nutrition play central roles in preventative care.

The need for interdisciplinary collaboration—combining nutrition science, genomics, and data analytics—is increasingly evident. Digital health literacy is becoming crucial to navigate this evolving landscape.

The Rise of Regenerative Ag & Climate-Positive Foods

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword but a mandate. Regenerative agriculture practices—which restore soil health, enhance biodiversity, and sequester carbon—are gaining momentum. This is mirrored in The Packer’s report on produce trends, which predicts a growing demand for foods that not only reduce environmental impact but actively contribute to climate solutions.

Here are several companies that have committed to purchasing food from regenerative agriculture sources:

  • Cargill has invested in regenerative agriculture initiatives to promote sustainable farming practices.
  • Kellogg Company has made commitments to support sustainable agriculture and promote regenerative practices in its supply chain.
  • Nestlé has announced initiatives to source ingredients from regenerative agriculture systems to improve sustainability.
  • Danone has committed to regenerative agriculture practices and aims to partner with farmers to enhance biodiversity and sustainability.
  • General Mills is actively investing in regenerative agriculture practices, particularly in its supply chain for grains.
  • Unilever has pledged to promote regenerative agriculture in sourcing ingredients for its products.
  • PepsiCo has initiatives focused on regenerative agriculture to improve soil health and sustainability in its agriculture supply chain.
  • McDonald’s has been exploring regenerative agriculture practices to enhance sustainability in its sourcing efforts.

These companies are increasingly looking to support agricultural practices that benefit the environment and communities while enhancing the resilience of food systems.

Key insights also highlight increasing concern about climate change’s impact on food production. For example, 57% of US fruit consumers worry about its effects on fruit availability. These concerns are pushing brands to educate about regenerative practices and explore innovative methods like agrivoltaic farming, which combines solar energy production with crop cultivation.

Expanding studies on the nutritional quality of produce grown through regenerative practices and transparent labeling can further communicate these benefits.

Integrating topics like soil health and carbon farming into broader discussions can foster greater awareness and adoption.

Plant-Forward Diets with Global Inspirations

The plant-based movement is evolving into plant-forward eating, emphasizing the diversity of plant ingredients over strict vegetarianism.

PepsiCo’s trends highlight an increasing appetite for culturally inspired plant-based options, such as jackfruit tacos and lentil curries. The Packer’s research similarly emphasizes exotic produce like yuzu and dragon fruit, which are finding their way into mainstream markets.

Mintel’s concept of “Rule Rebellion” explores the dualities of indulgence and health. Increasingly, unconventional food combinations—like pairing fries with salad—strike a balance between health-conscious choices and indulgent cravings.

This trend opens opportunities to explore the health benefits and applications of diverse plant foods.

Incorporating global perspectives in discussions about nutrition and culinary uses is key to leveraging this shift.

Functional Foods and Beverages: Beyond Basic Nutrition

The demand for foods and beverages that offer specific health benefits beyond basic nutrition is rising. According to PepsiCo, functional ingredients such as adaptogens, probiotics, and nootropics will dominate shelves in 2025. These products promise to support mental clarity, gut health, and stress management, reflecting a post-pandemic focus on holistic well-being.

It’s equally important to avoid foods that are high in empty calories, such as sugary drinks and processed snacks, which can crowd out nutrient-dense options. Meal prepping and mindful eating can help balance protein intake across the day, ensuring that each meal includes a good source of this vital nutrient.

The trend reflects a broader shift toward functional eating, where meals are not just a source of energy but are tailored to support specific health outcomes.

This trend falls in line with Mintel’s findings that suggest a shift in the definition of “food as medicine.” With the rise of weight-loss medications like Ozempic, there is an emphasis on foods that meet essential nutritional needs, focusing on simplified claims about protein, fiber, and vitamin content.

Validating these claims through rigorous studies and understanding their proper use will be critical for navigating this trend.

Food Tech: Lab-Grown & AI-Powered Solutions

Consumer reports also emphasizes the potential of lab-grown meat and dairy to reduce the environmental footprint of traditional agriculture. Meanwhile, AI is revolutionizing food production, optimizing everything from crop yields to personalized meal recommendations. These innovations address the twin challenges of feeding a growing global population and mitigating climate change.

Mintel’s “Hybrid Harvests” highlights the need to bridge tradition and technology in agriculture. Combining advancements like gene editing with time-honored farming practices can create efficient, sustainable food systems.

The Rise of High-Protein Meals

High-protein diets are emerging as a dominant trend for 2025, driven by increased awareness of protein’s role in supporting overall health. And today, high-protein products are becoming more diverse and accessible, catering to a range of dietary preferences and lifestyles.

Achieving adequate protein intake can be simple with some planning. Incorporating lean protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs, and plant-based options such as tofu, lentils, and quinoa can make meals nutrient-dense without excessive calories. Protein-rich snacks like Greek yogurt or nuts also contribute to daily totals.

Shifts Away from Certain Practices in 2025

As new research emerges, some practices and trends are being left behind. The focus on sustainability, transparency, and functionality means there is less emphasis on overly processed foods that lack clear nutritional benefits. Artificial ingredients and heavily refined sugars are being scrutinized more closely, with many products reformulated to meet cleaner-label standards.

The popularity of low-fat diets is also declining as the understanding of healthy fats improves. Nutritional research now supports balanced fat intake, including sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil, for their role in heart health and satiety. People are beginning to understand that healthy fats don’t make you fat. It is excess sugar that ends up on your waistline. Additionally, the reliance on calorie-counting as a primary tool for weight management is being replaced by approaches that emphasize nutrient density and overall dietary quality.

Single-use plastics in food packaging are another area seeing a major shift. As environmental concerns take center stage, brands are increasingly adopting biodegradable or reusable packaging solutions. An increasing awareness of nanoplastics that end up inside your cells – even your brain – are moving people away from plastic water bottles if not other food packaging. These changes reflect a broader move toward practices that prioritize long-term health—both for individuals and the planet.

Alcohol’s impact on our health

With cold weather rolling in and the holidays quickly approaching, many of us find a festive cocktail or a glass of wine in our hands more frequently.

But there’s no getting around it: alcohol is just not good for you. Everything we have studied about alcohol is that, while fun, it is detrimental to our health. So how do we have a fun and festive holiday season but still respect and nurture our bodies?

Here’s a breakdown of the latest research and tips to help you navigate the season with both fun and wellness in mind.

Trends in drinking habits

Drinking patterns vary significantly across different demographics and age groups.

While some older generations continue to consume alcohol at consistent levels, younger generations are redefining social norms around drinking. Recent data shows that Millennials and Gen Z are leading a shift toward reduced alcohol consumption, with many opting for alcohol-free lifestyles. This trend is driven by increased awareness of the health impacts of alcohol, the popularity of mocktails, and a desire for a more balanced lifestyle.

However, alcohol consumption remains high in certain segments. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), binge drinking among adults aged 25-34 continues to be a concern, accounting for a significant proportion of alcohol-related hospital admissions. In contrast, the rise of sober-curious movements and wellness-focused lifestyles has created opportunities for non-alcoholic beverages to thrive.

Interestingly, regional and cultural differences also play a role. In urban areas, where wellness trends are more prevalent, alcohol consumption has seen a steady decline. Meanwhile, rural areas may still report higher overall consumption levels, linked to cultural and social norms. As we approach the “booziest” time of the year, these shifting dynamics highlight the importance of understanding how alcohol affects our bodies and minds—and making choices that align with our personal goals and values.

Define your drinking

There are ways you can mitigate the effects so they are not so damaging to your brain and body. Awareness is the first step to having responsible fun. Therefore, the first step is to assess your drinking habits.

How many drinks do you consume per week? Are you in the high range (14 or more drinks weekly) or in the low-to-moderate range (less than 7 drinks)?

Then closely examine your drinking patterns. Be sure to take a good, close look at your habits when considering these patterns:

  • Binge Drinking: Drinking heavily within two hours; this is defined by 5 drinks for men and 4 drinks for women during that time period. Packing your weekly limit into a few nights, such as weekends, can have more damaging effects  to your brain, your liver, your gut, your hormones, and your heart rate variability. Generally, this pattern is not ideal for short-term and long-term health.
  • Moderate Drinking: Consuming 2 drinks a day for men, one drink for women. Spreading out one to two drinks over the week is less harmful to your body and brain.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

– Benjamin Franklin

Alcohol’s impact on the body

Despite your current drinking habits, it’s important to be aware of alcohol’s deleterious effects on the functioning and health throughout various organs and systems in your body.

The Brain

Alcohol’s effects on the brain are profound and multifaceted.

Research indicates that alcohol disrupts the prefrontal cortex, a region responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and memory. This disruption leads to temporary rewiring, manifesting as impulsivity, poor judgment, and memory lapses—symptoms commonly associated with intoxication.

Here is a great video to show what goes on in the body after drinking:

Chronic alcohol use exacerbates these effects, causing long-term alterations in neural circuitry. Studies published in journals like Nature Neuroscience and The Journal of Neuroscience reveal that even moderate alcohol consumption can impair the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus, the brain’s memory center.

However, abstinence for two to six months can promote partial recovery, allowing the brain to regain some of its functionality. Alcohol also increases levels of acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism. Acetaldehyde disrupts neural signaling, contributing to the feeling of being “drunk.”

Furthermore, regular alcohol consumption can lead to an overactivation of the brain’s reward system, creating a cycle of dependence by altering dopamine pathways. This phenomenon explains why habitual drinking can make it harder to quit.

“Being drunk is a poison-induced disruption in neural circuitry caused by acetyl aldehyde as the alcohol is being metabolized.”

– Dr. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.


Alcohol increases cortisol levels, contributing to stress and inflammation.

Elevated cortisol has been linked to chronic health conditions such as hypertension and anxiety (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism). Furthermore, alcohol disrupts serotonin levels, which affects mood regulation and can exacerbate conditions like depression.

Research in Alcohol Research & Health highlights that even moderate drinking alters the balance of estrogen and testosterone, accelerating the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This imbalance can lead to gynecomastia in men and increase the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers in women, such as breast cancer.

The Gut

Alcohol disrupts the gut-liver-brain axis, which is critical for overall health.

According to studies in Gut Microbes and Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, alcohol consumption alters the gut microbiota, reducing the diversity of beneficial bacteria. This disruption contributes to leaky gut syndrome, where toxins and bacteria pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream, leading to systemic inflammation.

Chronic alcohol use is also associated with reduced production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which play a key role in maintaining gut health and reducing inflammation. Supplementing with probiotics and dietary fiber has been shown in clinical trials to partially restore gut microbiome health after alcohol-induced damage.

Practicing mindful consumption

Here are a few options — with and without alcohol — to keep in mind at your next gathering:

Jump on the mocktail trend

The market for non-alcoholic alternatives is on the rise. These products are in particular demand among adults under 45 years old. According to Food Business News, this segment is growing to over $11 billion, as 69% of alcohol users — 81% of GenZ consumers and 78% of millennials — are considering trying a sober experience.

Mocktails not only save you from the adverse effects of alcohol, but also offer a hydrating and flavorful option to enjoy. And the good news is that the alternatives to alcohol are much more interesting than plain soda with lime.

Functional cocktails are non-alcoholic and have specific health benefits. Some drinks even include adaptogens, such as ashwagandha, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. Others including anti-inflammatory ingredients, like caffeine, ginger, and other additives.

Some popular mocktail recipes include:

  • Cucumber Mint Spritzer: Fresh cucumber juice, muddled mint, sparkling water, and a splash of lime
  • Cranberry Ginger Mule: Cranberry juice, ginger beer, and a squeeze of fresh orange
  • Tropical Paradise: Coconut water, pineapple juice, and a dash of grenadine

Consider your beverage of choice

Despite the evidence showing how unhealthy alcohol is for proper functioning of our body, we also know there will be times where we want to celebrate with a a drink.

The type of alcohol you consume matters. For instance, red wine contains antioxidants like resveratrol, which can promote heart health. Yet you would have to drink quite a lot to get those benefits – and defeat the ‘healthy’ purpose.

However, all alcohol is calorie-dense and provides no essential nutrients, often leading to poor dietary cravings, like late-night snacking. You can use this chart below to quickly determine your next drink when put on the spot.

Quick tip: avoid darker liquors like bourbon, which contain higher levels of congeners that worsen hangovers.

Some practical hangover tips to reduce recovery include:

One of the most dreaded aspects of drinking is the hangover. Poor sleep, dehydration, and inflammation all play a role. Try to implement these tips to reduce that dreaded feeling:

  • Staying hydrated by alternating water with alcoholic beverages
  • Consuming a nutritious, protein-rich meal before drinking
  • Avoiding sugary drinks that sneak in excessive amounts of calories

What do you do if it’s too late and you’re waking up to a tough morning? Consider drinking lots of water, taking electrolytes with vitamin B and C, exercising, and consuming good, old-fashioned chicken soup to move on with your day.

Other hangover hacks

Another option for feeling better in the morning? This is where ZBiotics comes in. ZBiotics is a probiotic drink scientifically designed to help your body process alcohol by breaking down acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism.

Drinking ZBiotics 30 minutes before and after consuming alcohol can reduce the severity of hangover symptoms, allowing you to recover more quickly.

Key takeaways

As you head into the holiday season, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Limit Your Intake: Aim for no more than 4 drinks per week to minimize health risks
  • Be Selective: Choose lower-sugar options and avoid calorie-laden cocktails
  • Prep Your Body: Stay hydrated, eat a balanced meal beforehand, and consider supplements like folate or B12 or Zbiotics
  • Take Breaks: Allow your body time to recover by incorporating alcohol-free days into your routine
  • Try Mocktails: Elevate your celebrations with alcohol-free alternatives that are both fun and healthy

5 Nutrients Unique to Meat

Meats, especially lesser processed lean meats (think chicken breast, pork loin, and beef sirloin), are a natural source of many vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They also have specific protein compounds fundamental to overall health, making it all the more important to evaluate your dietary needs should you choose to limit or remove meats from your diet.

Here are five essential nutrients only found in meat:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal foods like fish, meat, and eggs.

This vitamin is essential for a healthy body, as it helps develop red blood cells, keeps our cells healthy, and supports nerve and brain function. B12 also boosts our energy levels by preventing megaloblastic anemia, a condition that can make people feel tired and weak.

According to the National Institutes of Health, adults should aim for an average daily intake of 2.4 micrograms of B12. It’s important to remember that plant foods don’t naturally contain vitamin B12 unless they’re fortified, making it challenging to get enough of this nutrient on a plant-only diet.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D comes in two forms: D2, found in plants; and D3, found in animal foods. Both forms are important for our health. In our bodies, vitamin D helps absorb calcium, promotes bone and cell growth, reduces inflammation, and supports a healthy immune system.

While both types of vitamin D are essential, a deficiency in vitamin D3 has been linked to a higher risk of cancer, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis. To boost your vitamin D3 intake, try eating fatty fish and egg yolks, which are among the best sources.

A study recommends a daily vitamin D supplement dose of 2000 IU (50 µg) for various health benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis.


DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain function. It plays a crucial role in infant brain development and is vital for maintaining normal brain function in adults. Deficiencies in DHA have been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and depression.

Recent research also highlights the impact of DHA on metabolic health, with findings showing that a low-fat diet with less DHA increased women’s plasma triglycerides and the severity of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The best source of DHA is fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. However, for those following a plant-based diet, algal oil supplements are an excellent alternative, providing the necessary DHA without animal products.

Complete Proteins

There are two types of proteins – complete and incomplete – and they differ based on their amino acid profile.

There are over 20 types of amino acids and nine essential amino acids. Complete proteins contain all nine, while incomplete proteins lack at least one amino acid. Because our bodies can’t make these crucial amino acids, they must come from our diet.

Animal-based foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy, are all sources of complete proteins. Plant-based foods, like fruits and veggies, seeds, nuts, and grains, lack one or more essential amino acids, making them incomplete proteins and not a good sole source of protein in your diet.

However, you don’t necessarily have to eat meat to get your amino acids, but you do have to be strategic. You can mix and match incomplete proteins to create a complete one. For example, when consumed together, rice and beans create a complete protein. So do peanut butter and whole wheat bread.

Digestive properties

Plant and animal proteins differ not only in their amino acid composition, but also in their digestive processes.

The speed at which protein is absorbed directly affects our metabolism. Animal-based proteins are generally more nutritionally efficient because they are absorbed more quickly by the body. It typically takes 36 to 72 hours for the body to break down protein into its amino acids for absorption.

Since plant proteins often need to combine with other foods to provide all the essential amino acids, their digestion and absorption take longer. Recent research supports these findings, showing that animal proteins are more effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis due to their higher digestibility and better amino acid profile.

However, combining different plant-based protein sources can still provide a complete amino acid profile for those on plant-based diets.

Eating for Healthy Mitochondria

Are you ready for a pop quiz?

Which bodily component is responsible for producing over 90% of the energy in your body cells, makes up 40% of each heart muscle cell, can change shape to move around when needed, can grow and divide when more energy is required AND can produce hundreds of variations of proteins?

If you guessed mitochondria— ding ding ding — you are correct!

You have over 100,000 trillion mitochondria within your body right now that seamlessly work to create energy to keep your body functioning.

That amounts to a staggering 1,000 to 2,500 mitochondria in each of your cells, chugging away to keep all of your organs working as they should.

Biology Refresher: Mitochondria 101

Mitochondria convert food into cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. They efficiently break down carbohydrates and fatty acids, producing NADH, an enzyme used to generate ATP. ATP is unique because it cannot be stored and is immediately used as energy for our cells.

Foods that Fuel

While food is essential for mitochondrial performance, avoiding toxins and building muscle mass also play crucial roles.

For instance, even individuals with mitochondrial damage, such as those with Parkinson’s disease, can increase ATP production through strength training, as muscle cells contain more mitochondria.

Genetics also significantly influence mitochondrial function.

Particular diseases such as Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and certain cancers are linked to genetic mitochondrial dysfunction.

However, diet is a key factor in optimizing mitochondrial function, limiting oxidative stress, and promoting ATP production through essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.


CoQ10 is the primary antioxidant in human cells

But what do antioxidants have to do with mitochondria and energy production?

  • Oxygen is a critical component in energy production and the oxidative phosphorylation process.
  • Antioxidants help protect mitochondria from any damage that can happen during this process – such as any strain on the cell from excess energy use.
  • This energy coupling leads to ATP formation as a carrier for both electrons and protons. And (bringing you back to biology 101 again), ATP can be converted into ADP—helping to support energy production further.
  • It is recommended that we get between 90-200 milligrams of CoQ10 per day. Foods rich in CoQ10 include soybeans, broccoli, peanuts, fatty fish, and oranges.


Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L-Carnitine work hand in hand to improve age-related decline in mitochondrial bioenergetics

In other words, they aid in the recovery of fatty acids, increasing energy production and metabolic rate while reducing oxidative stress.

  • Lipoic Acid plays a crucial role in recharging other important antioxidants for mitochondrial health, like CoQ10 and vitamin E.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine (“L-carnitine”) is an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and promotes liver detoxification while boosting T-cell activation to help maintain immune function.
  • We should strive for between 600-1,800 milligrams of Lipoic acid per day, and about 3g of L-carnitine per day.


Resveratrol induces pro-oxidant effects and antioxidant impact on mitochondria. 

Resveratrol’s benefits to cellular integrity are vast. Here’s how to get more of this invaluable antioxidant:

  • Resveratrol improves mitochondrial respiratory activity, boosting cellular reprogramming efficiency and cell growth.
  • Resveratrol is in many of our favorite Mediterranean diet foods, including red wine, blueberries, dark chocolate, and peanuts.
  • While there is no formal recommended daily dose of resveratrol, in order to see a biological effect, academics suggest a rather large spread of 5mg and 100mg per day.


Vitamin E‘s abundant health benefits

With regard to mitochondrial and cellular health, vitamin E has three key functions:

  • Vitamin E prevents thyroid hormone-induced changes
  • It significantly reduces the production of free radicals, and
  • Vitamin E also elicits beneficial reactions in our cells

Essentially, it is the cell’s first line of defense when it comes to protecting the mitochondrial membrane from the damage free radicals cause.

Aim for 15 mg per day just by simply mixing sunflower seeds, avocado, and kiwi in a smoothie.

Harmful Foods = Malfunctioning Mitochondria

To stress the importance of the above food groups for mitochondrial health, it is essential to understand just the number of functions that the mitochondria in your cells impact.

While diet alone cannot change illnesses from genetics or excessive toxic exposure, it can fortify your mitochondrial function and serve as a supplemental treatment for these diseases.

There are also foods we should avoid in excess, as they can adversely impact mitochondrial function:

Added sugars

Excess sugar is well known to have unfavorable effects on critical functions of our body, most notably our gut and brain health. This is no exception to your mitochondrial health.

Sugar inhibits the mitochondria from quickly burning energy, especially in fructose form. Sugar then winds up being stored as fat and producing damaging free radicals.

Be sure to balance your vegetable intake with the fruit servings in your daily diet and opt for whole fruits rather than processed fruit products.

Refined Carbs

Simple carbohydrates have also been found to be problematic with mitochondrial health.

White flour, when eaten, quickly turns to glucose once digested—it might as well be table sugar.

Mitochondria tend to function better on a lower carbohydrate diet, as they are able to efficiently create energy rather than frivolously burning junk. Try to keep carbohydrates between 225 and 325g daily.

For further reading and the latest research, refer to:

How bad is alcohol for us?

Sitting down for cocktails and dinner with friends and family is so enjoyable on a Friday or Saturday evening after a long week. But after tuning into an episode of Dr. Huberman’s podcast on drinking’s effects on our health, we took a closer look into how our body processes alcohol.

As it turns out, Dr. Huberman was onto something. New research has shown that the nice little drink in your hand can have more detrimental effects on our brain and body than we originally knew. In fact, emerging studies reveal that even low levels of alcohol consumption can have significant negative impacts on health.

So we gathered information from recent studies to answer some important questions:

Maybe those weekend cocktails are not such a good idea after all…

Alcohol metabolism, toxicity & cancer risk

When ingested, alcohol – also known as ethanol – is metabolized by the liver. This process involves converting ethanol to acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that damages cells and tissues. The liver uses the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase to break down ethanol into acetaldehyde, which is then converted to acetate.

While acetate can be utilized as an energy source, the intermediate production of acetaldehyde is harmful and contributes to the toxic effects of alcohol​.

The liver, being the primary site of alcohol metabolism, suffers significant damage from prolonged alcohol exposure. Acetaldehyde can induce oxidative stress, leading to liver inflammation, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis over time​.

But the damage doesn’t stop there. Acetaldehyde can circulate through the bloodstream, impacting various organs and systems. And ethanol and its metabolites can damage DNA and promote carcinogenesis through several mechanisms, including oxidative stress and interference with DNA repair processes.

The effects of metabolizing ethanol also influence hormone levels, increasing estrogen levels, a risk factor for breast cancer. This is why alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of various cancers.

Alcohol’s effects on the brain

Alcohol’s influence on the brain is multifaceted, affecting both structure and function:


Chronic alcohol consumption, even at low to moderate levels (7 to 14 drinks per week), can lead to brain atrophy, particularly thinning of the neocortex and other critical brain regions. In fact, Huberman suggests that anything beyond two drinks a week has negative consequences. This structural degeneration can impair cognitive functions, including memory and executive functions.

Neurotransmitter disruption:

Alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant, influencing neurotransmitter systems. It increases the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, while simultaneously inhibiting glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. This dual action leads to the characteristic sedative effects of alcohol and impairs cognitive functions and memory formation.

Behavioral changes:

Alcohol reduces the activity of the prefrontal cortex, the brain region responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and social behavior. This suppression can lead to increased impulsivity, risk-taking behaviors, and reduced inhibition, contributing to alcohol-related accidents and injuries.

Mood and mental health:

Alcohol disrupts the balance of serotonin and other neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation. This disruption can exacerbate conditions such as depression and anxiety. Regular alcohol use can lead to a cycle of dependence and withdrawal, further complicating mental health issues.

Impact on the microbiome

Alcohol has a significant impact on the gut microbiome, the community of microorganisms living in our intestines.

Alcohol kills both beneficial and harmful bacteria, leading to dysbiosis (microbial imbalance). This disruption can cause “leaky gut syndrome”, where the intestinal lining becomes permeable, allowing toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This condition is linked to systemic inflammation and a host of health problems, including liver disease and increased susceptibility to infections.

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is crucial for mitigating some of alcohol’s negative effects. Consuming probiotics and fermented foods, such as yogurt and kimchi, can help restore microbial balance and reduce inflammation.

Strategies to mitigate the effects of alcohol

The scientific evidence outlined here underscores alcohol’s potential risks.

From neurodegeneration to mental health issues, leaky gut, and increased cancer risk, its deleterious effects seem frightening, and rightfully so.

But this can feel contradictory to the social norms that encourage moderate alcohol consumption, making it a real challenge to curb this habit. And for those who enjoy the taste, like a fine wine or specialty bourbon, implementing personal behaviors that support this research can feel stifling.

However, we can exercise a few healthy habits that can help our body recover from the effects of long-term alcohol consumption while instilling new, healthier behaviors now.

Hydration is key

Proper hydration and a balanced diet are essential for mitigating the acute effects of alcohol, such as hangovers. Alcohol is a diuretic, causing increased urine production and leading to dehydration. To counter this:

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after consuming alcohol
  • Electrolyte solutions can help replenish lost minerals and maintain physiological balance

Dietary choices

Certain foods and supplements can help mitigate alcohol-induced oxidative stress and support liver function:

  • Antioxidants: Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, nuts, and dark leafy greens, can help neutralize free radicals produced during alcohol metabolism
  • B vitamins: Alcohol consumption depletes B vitamins, which are essential for energy production and brain health. Supplementing with B vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine), B6, and B12, can help reduce some negative effects
  • Milk thistle: This herbal supplement has been shown to support liver health and protect against alcohol-induced liver damage​

Improve gut health

Maintaining gut health is crucial for mitigating the negative effects of alcohol on the microbiome. Strategies include:

  • Probiotics and fermented foods: Consuming probiotics and fermented foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir, can help restore the balance of gut bacteria and reduce inflammation
  • Prebiotics: These are non-digestible fibers that feed beneficial gut bacteria. Foods rich in prebiotics include garlic, onions, bananas, and asparagus
  • Zbiotics is a genetically-engineered probiotic drink that mitigates the effects of alcohol by breaking down the acetaldehyde.

Limit alcohol consumption

Reducing alcohol intake is the most effective way to avoid its negative health impacts. Strategies to limit consumption include:

  • Setting limits: Establish personal drinking limits and stick to them. For example, limit consumption to a certain number of drinks per week
  • Choosing healthy, non-alcoholic alternatives: The popularity of non-alcoholic beverages is growing, offering many options that provide the social experience of drinking without the negative health impacts. Non-alcoholic beers, wines, and mocktails can be enjoyable substitutes


Supplements: Natural or Synthetic?

small glass bowl of supplements with herbs

There’s no doubt that vitamins and minerals are important to maintain both short- and long-term health. But does the source of the nutrients matter? You’ll find a lot of criticism about synthetic vitamins from various nutritionists and natural vitamin companies arguing that our bodies do not know how to digest these supplements.

But is this true? Or is this another marketing ploy to make you buy the more expensive, lesser processed vitamins?

What is a natural vitamin? 

Similar to ‘natural’ foods, the natural vitamin label is not clearly defined and can be very misleading. A natural vitamin can be made from a component directly from the earth or it can be ‘naturally made’ in your body through digestion. It can also be a product, like vitamin B, that begins with natural fermentation but is additionally processed.

All-natural vitamins are created directly from plant material. However, since supplements obviously don’t grow on trees, the only completely natural vitamin is something that comes directly from your food or made within our bodies.

To remove any vitamin from its natural source is a tricky and expensive process that also reduces the potency of the particular nutrient. So you have to ‘synthesize’ the vitamin anyway to reach full potency.

In our exploration of synthetic vitamins, we came across some great research from Willner Chemists, a nutritional pharmacy located in New York City. These pharmaceutical researchers explain the purpose of synthetic vitamins very clearly.

According to Dr. Donald Goldberg, R.Ph and Dr. Arnold Gitomer, R.Ph.:

“Yes, vitamins and minerals occur naturally in food. But the quantities are very small…

To get 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 10 milligrams of the various B vitamins from natural sources would require a tablet the size of a football.

With a few exceptions—such as vitamin E, natural beta-carotene, and vitamin B12—all of the vitamins used in dietary supplements are synthetic…these synthetic vitamins are identical to their natural counterparts. To get high potencies of vitamins and minerals in a dietary supplement, synthetic or highly processed vitamins, and minerals must be used. You cannot have it both ways.

What is a synthetic vitamin?

Synthetic nutrients are replicated in the lab to support their specific cellular structure and function. Because the vitamin is specifically isolated, the lab can easily control the purity and quality.

The only exception is vitamin E, a crucial antioxidant. Vitamin C combined with vitamin E may increase the photoprotection of your skin more than vitamin E by itself.

Naturally-occurring vitamin E found in spinach, nuts, and oils, contains eight molecules called tocopherols and tocotrienols. A synthetic vitamin can only capture one tocopherol.

So here’s a helpful hint: Look for a ‘d’ label before the word alpha-tocopherol rather than a ‘dl’ label which means it is synthetic. This “dl” tip also works for determining the source for other vitamins, as well.

Aside from Vitamin E, there is no difference between natural and synthetic vitamins. In fact, 95% of vitamins on the market are synthetic, because it’s actually very difficult to put natural vitamins into most supplements.

Are natural vitamins healthier for our body?

“All-natural” vitamin companies often tout their process of creating “natural” vitamins as being better for your health. But one thing is true: natural supplements are typically far more taxing on your budget than synthetic supplements.

Natural vitamin companies often claim that your body will not know how to process vitamins that have been created synthetically. The main criticism is that synthetic vitamins are ‘isolated’ and since they are not working in conjunction with other vitamins, enzymes and minerals the human body does not recognize the isolated ones.

Contrary to this argument, reputable labs will actually create a ‘human stomach’ to test how the vitamins break down and release the nutrients. They copy the temperature, average acidity, and how the stomach churns during digestion. Of course, there are individual variants such as your gut microbiota, age, and overall health profile that will affect how your own body digests and absorbs the vitamin.

Are synthetic vitamins filled with unhealthy additives?

Companies producing all-natural vitamins indicate their products are free of artificial flavorings and colorings, chemical preservatives and other synthetic ingredients. Natural companies use only natural flavoring agents such as herbal extracts, lemon, and vanilla with no chemical dyes.

Synthetic supplements are criticized for using binders to hold tablets together, or fillers such as cellulose or magnesium stearate for encapsulation. However, not all of these processing ingredients are bad.

For instance, cellulose is a carbohydrate found in plants; if you eat lettuce or spinach, you are also eating cellulose.

Magnesium stearate is used to make sure the ingredients blend together proportionally and easily slides through the manufacturing process. It is basically a combination of stearic acid (a saturated fat found in beef, cocoa butter, and coconut oil) and magnesium salt. Both of these additives are generally regarded as safe by the FDA.

Regulation of vitamin products

The FDA and WHO do not distinguish between all natural and synthetic vitamins. In fact, dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA the same way drugs are. This is due to the fact that you can make therapeutic claims for drugs, which you cannot do for dietary supplements.

In terms of vitamins, FDA regulations are responsible for the purity, potency, and safety of dietary supplements being created. They concur that the molecular structures of nutrients are well known and the body cannot tell if a nutrient came from a lab or a plant.

The question is not whether a vitamin is synthetic or natural, but was it made by a reputable manufacturer that uses FDA Good Manufacturing processes and uses a third-party company for their testing.

Be sure your vitamin supplements are tested for toxicity and contaminants, are properly labeled, and will break down in your body in the appropriate amount of time.

Too much protein or not enough?

Today’s high-protein diet takes many forms. From the Atkins diet to the paleo diet and even some versions of the keto diet, protein is often touted as the miracle macronutrient. You’ve probably seen countless protein shakes, bars, and protein-fortified foods lining the shelves of your local grocery store.

How much protein do we need?

But first, let’s clear the air…protein is a critical component of our diet. It’s involved in virtually every biochemical function in our body, from building and repairing tissues to producing enzymes and hormones.

So, how much protein do our bodies need to conduct these essential tasks? To get a better idea, we spoke with Registered Dietitian, Jamie Kesmodel, MS, RDN, who works at Culina Health, a nationwide nutrition care provider.

The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.36 grams per pound (or 0.8 grams per kilogram) of body weight per day for adults. For example, a 175-pound person with an average physical activity level should aim to consume about 70 grams of protein per day. Or looking at it from a caloric standpoint, you should consume about 10%-35% of your calories as protein, which equates to 50 to 175 grams a day on a 2,000 calorie diet.

However, Kesmodel points out there’s no assigned gram amount per day for everyone, as our body’s protein needs are highly individualized, based on our body weight, muscle mass, activity level and duration, among other factors. Because of this, protein needs could increase to 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for those with rigorous physical activity or building muscle mass.

And others in the medical community push that recommendation even higher. Dr. Peter Attia, author of New York Times Bestseller, Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity, stated in his podcast that most people are not getting enough protein. He continued, saying that the current RDA of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is a “pathetic” amount and should be revised to 1 gram per pound of body weight.

But estimating this higher level of protein consumption is where things get murky because, as it turns out, several larger-scale, peer-reviewed studies reveal that consuming too much protein can have some pretty significant downsides.

Protein’s effect on the body

Despite protein’s necessity in our diet, myriad health risks may occur when consuming too much. Kesmodel highlighted some of the ways consuming too much protein may affect various organs and functions of our body.

Kidney & liver function

Our kidneys play a crucial role in processing or filtering the waste products from protein metabolism. When you consume excessive amounts of protein, we’re essentially making our kidneys work overtime. For those with existing kidney issues, this can quickly become a dire situation.

Separately, long-term protein supplementation has been associated with elevated levels of liver toxicity, apoptotic signals, and inflammation in some studies. But not all medical experts agree with this level of concern. Dr. Attia thinks that most people will never reach these concerning levels of protein, requiring most individuals to consume 3 to 4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Heart health

While protein itself isn’t necessarily bad for your cardiovascular system, the problem often lies in the source of protein. High-protein diets that rely heavily on saturated fats, like red meat, cheeses, and processed meats, may increase your intake of saturated fats, which are known risk factors for heart disease.

Cancer risk

Some studies have suggested that high consumption of red and processed meats may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer, previously considered a threat to those over the age of 60, is now the leading cause of cancer death among adults under 50.

Weight gain

Surprisingly, excessive protein intake can hinder weight loss efforts.

While protein can help you feel full and satisfied, consuming more protein than your body needs doesn’t magically become muscle…some of the excess protein is stored as fat, if it’s not excreted as waste or broken down for energy.

Furthermore, be mindful of how you’re consuming protein. If you opt for highly-processed, shelf-stable protein bars and shakes, you’ll have less room in your diet for the fresh foods critical for long-term health: veggies and fruits.

Toxin exposure

Registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, stated that many protein powders contain heavy metals, like lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. A study reported in the journal Toxicology Reports found similar results, as well as additional contaminants linked to cancer and health conditions.

Type 2 diabetes risk

Excessive intake of whey protein may influence the onset of Type 2 diabetes through several physiological mechanisms, including insulin resistance due to high levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), including leucine.

Other findings

Recent research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh found that consuming too much protein (e.g., 100 grams in a 2,000-calorie diet) may trigger cardiovascular and metabolic health issues.

Though these findings may be concerning, the study only had 23 human participants, and the results incorporated mice and cell studies. It should be further replicated with a higher sample size before reconsidering limitations, especially when revising nutritional guidelines.

What can we do to eat healthier?

So, what’s the takeaway here? Protein is still an essential nutrient, and getting enough is crucial for our health. As with most things in nutrition, the key is balance.

So we asked Jamie for some insightful tips to help us strike that protein sweet spot:

Focus on quality, not quantity

Choose whole foods when you can. Lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, low-fat dairy, and plant-based proteins like nuts and seeds not only provide protein but also pack other beneficial nutrients.

Spread your protein intake throughout the day

Instead of loading up on protein at one meal, try to include a moderate amount at each meal. This can help with better absorption and utilization of the protein.

Don’t forget about other nutrients

A balanced diet includes carbohydrates and healthy fats, which provide an abundance of essential vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. Don’t let your protein obsession crowd out nutrient-dense foods, like avocadoes, leafy greens, berries, and olive oil.

Listen to your body

If you’re experiencing digestive issues, feeling overly full, or noticing other unusual symptoms after increasing your protein intake, it might be time to dial it back a bit.

Consider your individual needs

The human body is incredibly complex, and factors like overall diet, exercise habits, genetics, and individual health status all affect how we process nutrients.

Athletes, pregnant women, and older adults need more protein than the average person. Conversely, people with certain health conditions might need to limit their protein intake.

Be wary of protein supplements

There’s no doubt about it: protein powders are convenient.

However, these protein powders, bars and other products are highly processed.

And most contain added sugars, artificial ingredients, and other less savory additives that may conflict with your overall health goals.

At D2D, we like single-ingredient protein supplements, like pea or whey protein.

Keep an eye on your overall calorie intake

Remember, excess protein doesn’t magically turn into muscle—it can contribute to weight gain if you consume more calories than you burn.

Do your research

Nutrition science is complex and constantly evolving. What we know today might be different from what we’ll discover tomorrow. That’s why it’s always a good idea to stay informed, but also verify dramatic diet claims. And always speak with your doctor to ensure that you are on the right protein track.

Glycemic Index vs. Glycemic Load

glycemic index wordcloud

Monitoring your blood sugar levels is an excellent way to optimize your health and well-being. However, some of these metrics are challenging to understand. But by considering the glycemic index and glycemic load, you get a clearer picture of how a typical serving of food will affect your blood sugar levels.

When your body processes glucose, your insulin levels increase to help deliver glucose to your cells, bringing your blood sugar back to normal. If there’s too much glucose, your pancreas produces more insulin, which then converts the excess sugar into fat for storage. Calculating our glycemic index is a helpful way to begin to understand sugar’s effect on our body.

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) helps us understand how different foods affect our blood sugar levels. It measures how 50 grams of carbs from a specific food can raise your blood sugar. Foods with higher GI scores (from 1 to 100) cause your blood sugar to spike quickly, which is something you want to avoid. Consistent blood sugar levels are better for your overall health. While your brain and body need glucose to function, getting too much too quickly isn’t good for you.

To keep your blood sugar levels steady, focus on eating more low GI foods, which score between 0 and 55 on the glycemic index. Examples include nuts, most vegetables, whole oats, and certain fruits.

You can also enjoy medium GI foods, scoring between 56 and 70, like rice, whole wheat bread, and most fruits. High GI foods, scoring over 71, such as white bread and potatoes, should be eaten sparingly since they can cause rapid blood sugar spikes.

Eating foods that quickly raise your blood sugar levels can lead to more fat storage in your body. The glycemic index helps you choose foods that promote steady blood sugar levels and healthier eating habits.

Glycemic Load

While the GI measures how quickly 50 grams of carbohydrates from a food can raise your blood sugar, the GL goes further by considering the actual amount of carbohydrates in a typical serving of that food.

The GL is calculated by taking the food’s GI, multiplying it by the carbohydrate content (in grams), and then dividing by 100. For a comprehensive list of foods glycemic index values and their glycemic loads, we recommend you refer to the Harvard Medical School Index.

For example:
  1. Identify the Glycemic Index (GI) of the food, as indicated on a GI chart like this one:
    • For watermelon, the GI is 72.
  2. Determine the amount of carbohydrates in a typical serving:
    • One cup of watermelon (154 grams) contains about 11.6 grams of carbohydrates.
  3. Use the formula to calculate the Glycemic Load (GL):
    • The formula is: GL = (GI × Carbohydrate content per serving) / 100
    • For watermelon: GL=(72×11.6 grams) / 100
    • The glycemic load of one cup of watermelon is 8.35

The glycemic load is often more reliable than the glycemic index alone. For example, watermelon has a high GI of 72, meaning it can raise blood sugar levels quickly. However, watermelon is mostly water, and a typical serving has a very low carbohydrate content.

Therefore, the GL of a serving of watermelon is only 8.35, which is very low. While watermelon can cause a quick rise in blood sugar, it won’t keep levels elevated for long due to its low carbohydrate content.

The glycemic load more accurately measures how certain foods will impact your blood glucose levels by taking the number of carbohydrates in an average serving into account.

To put it in perspective, the GI measures the effect of a standard 50-gram serving of carbohydrates from a food. Eating 50 grams of carbohydrates from watermelon would be unrealistic for most people. One cup of watermelon (about 154 grams) contains approximately 11.6 grams of carbohydrates. You would need to eat over four cups of watermelon to consume 50 grams of carbohydrates.

Putting the Glycemic Load into practice

Here are a few helpful tips to navigate Glycemic Load targets.

When using the glycemic load as a reference for your food, keep in mind that foods between 10 and 15 on the glycemic load are considered moderate.

These moderate GL foods will not keep your blood glucose levels elevated for long periods of time.

However, foods with a glycemic load higher than 15 should be eaten sporadically, as they will spike blood sugar levels and keep them elevated for longer.

Having rapid spikes and consequential decreases will then will cause you to feel unsatiated and fatigued, so be sure to eat these items with protein to even out the spike.

A word of caution: while understanding the glycemic load is important, every person reacts differently to foods, even among very healthy people. For instance, you — an active, individual who eats lots of fresh produce — might have a glucose spike from a cup of watermelon, but your more sedentary friend may not.

The more your glucose levels spike, the higher your chances are of chronic inflammation. The best way to see how your body reacts is to wear a glucose monitor. If you or your members of your family have health-related issues involving blood sugars, talk to your doctor to see if glucose monitoring is appropriate for you.

How is fructose involved?

If you’re wondering how fructose fits into this index, we hear you! It can be hard to talk about glucose without mentioning fructose—take a look at our sugar article.

Unlike glucose, fructose is considered to be a low GI food. With a glycemic index of 19, fructose causes significantly less insulin secretion than glucose. Naturally-occurring fructose is actually ranked lowest on the GI scale of all natural sugars.

High levels of fructose in your body, however, can cause cellular damage— in fact, excess fructose in your body causes seven times more cell damage than excess glucose. This is another reason why you have to be careful when judging foods solely by their glycemic index.

How can I quickly calculate glycemic loads at the grocery store?

Finding the glycemic index (GI) of foods while shopping at the grocery store can be a bit challenging, as GI values are not typically listed on food packaging. However, there are several strategies you can use to access this information:

  • Smartphone Apps: There are many apps available that provide GI values for various foods. Apps like “MyFitnessPal,” “Glycemic Index Load,” and “Fooducate” can be very helpful.

  • Printed Guides and Books: Some people find it useful to carry a small printed guide or book that lists the GI values of common foods. There are several comprehensive guides available in bookstores or online.

  • Online Databases: Before going to the store, you can look up the GI values of foods on websites such as the Glycemic Index Foundation (glycemicindex.com) or other nutrition-focused sites, like Dirt to Dinner in the infographic above!

  • Nutrition Labels: While the GI value might not be listed, you can get a sense of a food’s impact on blood sugar by checking the carbohydrate content and the presence of sugars and dietary fiber. Foods high in fiber and low in sugars generally have a lower GI.

  • Healthy Eating Lists: You can refer to general lists of low GI foods, such as whole grains, legumes, most vegetables, nuts, and certain fruits. These lists can guide your shopping choices.

By using these resources, you can make more informed decisions about the GI of foods and better manage your blood sugar levels.

Why should we eat fermented foods?

Imagine you’re at a baseball game and decide to add some sauerkraut to your hotdog. Or perhaps you’re rushing between meetings and grab a yogurt to tide you over until lunch. Maybe you’re unwinding after a long week with a little wine and cheese. Each of these tangy products, like sauerkraut and kombucha, is made using fermentation and contains live bacteria that can enhance your health.

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and other dairy products are rich in probiotics—beneficial bacteria that support gut health. These live bacteria can improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even contribute to better mental health. By incorporating fermented foods into your diet, you can enjoy delicious flavors while promoting overall well-being.

Fermented foods and your health

Your gut is teeming with healthy bacteria, creating a unique microbiome that some researchers refer to as our body’s “second brain”. Our other brain is the enteric nervous system which controls our entire gastrointestinal system.

Weighing only 2.2 pounds, it’s a bacterial ecosystem swirling around our intestines, brimming with flora, bacteria, archaea, and yes, even viruses. Our hardworking microbiome helps us digest our food, boost our immune system, and allow our bodies to absorb much-needed vitamins from food.

When we don’t have the right balance of gut microbes that meet our body’s specific needs, then we are more prone to chronic disease, from gastrointestinal issues to neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses.

The Journal of Experimental Medicine reports increasing gut probiotics can help improve gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), leaky gut syndrome, and liver disease. Scientists also point to the increase in probiotics that can help other conditions, such as neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses; and even boost mental health and prevent obesity.


Fermented foods with live cultures are like a multiplier for microbiomes. They have been shown to help us increase the amount of “good bacteria” and probiotic material (12 strains of bacteria grown together) in our gut. When a fermented food with live cultures hits your belly, it releases healthy bacteria and enzymes that make the flora in your digestive system more efficient at synthesizing nutrients. We want those probiotics to stay healthy!

Eating fermented foods is like sending a superhero to your gut. She lands in your intestinal tract and starts busting through other digested food’s cell walls, releasing the nutrients. Without our fermented superheroes – those nutrients remain trapped in the cells, unused by our bodies.

Are all probiotics the same?

If we follow the definition laid out by an international panel of experts at the Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit in 2001 and 2014, all probiotics are the same.

A probiotic is a live bacterium that provides health benefits when consumed correctly (though the “right amount” is still under debate). A bacterium is only considered a probiotic if it can offer a health benefit to humans when ingested.

Robert Hutkins, a professor of Food Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has dedicated his career to studying bacteria in fermented foods and their ability to survive in our gastrointestinal tract.

Hutkins emphasizes the importance of understanding what indeed constitutes a probiotic, especially in the context of fermented foods. Not every fermented food contains probiotics, as is the case with wine, beer, and canned sauerkraut.

According to Hutkins, foods such as yogurt, most cheeses, kimchi, and non-heated sauerkraut contain probiotics that can positively impact your health.

What can be confusing is that you’ve probably also seen other types of digestive-related ‘biotics’.  In conjunction with probiotics, they are important for a healthy life.

Prebiotics feed your beneficial gut bacteria. When you eat fiber in a variety of fruits and vegetables, your body turns that into food to feed the beneficial bacteria. But before the prebiotics can turn into food for the much-needed bacteria, a fermentation process turns them into probiotics.

There are also postbiotics, the byproducts resulting from prebiotics feeding  on probiotics.

What to remember is to eat your fruits, vegetables, healthy fiber, and fermented foods to gain the best balance of these bacteria to reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system and overall well-bring. Your ‘second brain’ in the gut will take care of the rest.

How much fermented food is enough?

The experts behind Harvard Health say there is no guidance or data on how many probiotics to consume in a day, but some experts argue that fermented foods shouldn’t be singled out but included in an overall healthy diet.

Lori Zanini, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says about two to three servings a day of fermented foods should suffice. But, like anything, too much of a good thing isn’t always so good. Experts warn too many fermented foods in your diet could cause gas, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues.

Sharon Flynn is the author of “Ferment for Good: Ancient Foods for the Modern Gut” and is considered one of Australia’s leading experts on fermented food. She says, like anything, it is possible to overdo it on fermented foods. But, Flynn notes, “You’re more in danger of having poor health from not including these things in your diet than you are from including them.”

The fermentation process

Food growers and producers have long recognized the benefits and popularity of fermented foods in live cultures.

They’re found in almost every culture and cuisine. Historians have even found signs of the fermentation process in food dating back to 7000 BC – making it likely this process has been around as long as humans.

Before refrigeration, fermentation would be one of the only ways to preserve food. If you lived in ancient or medieval times, fermented foods were less likely to make you sick. It’s why most people drank beverages like beer or malted water rather than water up until the 1900s.

Fermentation is a metabolic process that takes sugars and converts them into alcohol or acid. It removes energy from carbohydrates without oxygen.

Fermentation is also known as “culturing” – you can watch this 3-minute video to learn more about this process.

Looking beyond yogurt

Today, there is an increasing variety of fermented foods landing an increasing variety of fermented foods land on our grocery shelves every day.

Here’s a list of some uncommon, fermented foods starting to pop up in our local supermarket to support our nutritional goals. And here’s a website exploring the vast array of fermented foods across the globe.


The increasingly popular beverage can now be found on more grocery store shelves. It begins with a base of green and black tea. Sugar is added to the brewed tea and white vinegar or previously made kombucha for an acidic base.

Brewing kombucha also requires a SCOBY, short for “symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast.” And don’t worry too much about the sugar used for the fermentation process; most of it is burned off by the time the product gets to the shelf, but check the labels to make sure extra sugar wasn’t added at the end process.

Check out how to make kombucha tea at home.


Another item now regularly found on grocery stores shelves in America. Kefir is teeming with probiotics and good bacteria that can make your gut sing. It’s a drinkable yogurt but tangier and higher in probiotics than what’s traditionally found in supermarkets.

It’s fermented by taking kefir cultures ,adding them to a milk product, and letting it ferment for a day. Watch for the sugar content in some brands, though.

Try to make homemade Kefir with this recipe.


Tempeh is a soy-based product that tends to be popular with vegans and vegetarians because it has vitamin B12. It is also a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids needed for healthy bones and bodies.

Check out this marinated peanut tempeh recipe.


Miso is another culinary delight from Japan but more common in the United States than natto. Like natto, it’s made with boiled soybeans, but instead of being fermented using rice straw, it’s combined with molded rice and salt.

Here’s a recipe for Easy Miso Salmon.


Korean cooks use kimchi in almost every meal. Kimchi, unlike other fermented foods, can be made in different ways. It usually contains a comb of some vegetable (often cabbage), garlic, ginger, chilies, and fish sauce.

The most famous dish is known as Kimchi Jjigae (or Spicy Kimchi Stew); you can find the recipe here.

A Guide to Summer Produce

Vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce inflammation. Failing to include sufficient fruits and vegetables in our diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, poor gut health, weakened immunity, resulting in an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity.

How do fruits and vegetables impact our health?

It is all about short chain fatty acids!

When you eat fruits and vegetables, they are digested in your gut, where the fibers and polyphenols act as prebiotics, feeding beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. These good bacteria ferment the dietary fibers, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, propionate, and acetate.

These SCFAs improve the gut barrier by promoting epithelial cell growth and mucus production, preventing pathogens from entering the bloodstream. Additionally, beneficial bacteria compete with harmful pathogens for nutrients and attachment sites, reducing the likelihood of infections.

Feeding these good bacteria boosts immune function by enhancing the activity of immune cells that kill pathogens. SCFAs promote the differentiation of regulatory T cells, which maintain immune balance, and enhance the function of dendritic cells, improving the adaptive immune response.

Beneficial bacteria also stimulate the production of antimicrobial peptides and enhance the activity of natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages, which directly kill infected or abnormal cells. Through these mechanisms, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables supports a robust immune system capable of effectively defending against harmful pathogens.

This guide will explore the top ten most nutrient-dense summer fruits and vegetables, detailing their nutritional benefits, health advantages, and delicious recipes to help you incorporate them into your diet. By understanding the science-backed benefits of these nutrient powerhouses, you can make informed choices that will help you get the most nutritious bang for your diet, supporting overall wellness and vitality.

Top 10 Nutritious Summer Fruits

Health Benefits:

Antioxidants: Berries are rich in anthocyanins, which give them their vibrant colors. These compounds help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Vitamin C: Essential for collagen production, which keeps skin firm and resilient. Consuming one cup of strawberries can provide more than 100% of the daily recommended intake.

Fiber: Promotes digestive health by aiding in regular bowel movements and feeding beneficial gut bacteria. One cup of raspberries provides 8 grams of fiber, which is 32% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this Berry Parfait recipe:

Layer Greek yogurt with mixed berries and a sprinkle of granola for a nutritious and delicious breakfast or snack

Health Benefits:

Lycopene: This powerful antioxidant is most abundant in cooked tomatoes. Lycopene has been linked to reduced risks of prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and sun damage to the skin. Consuming at least 10 mg of lycopene per day, equivalent to about 1.5 cups of cooked tomatoes, can significantly lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Vitamin C: Enhances immune function and skin health by promoting collagen synthesis. One medium tomato provides 19% of the daily recommended intake.

Potassium: Helps regulate blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of sodium. One medium tomato provides 8% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this Caprese Salad recipe:

Slice fresh tomatoes and mozzarella, and top with basil leaves, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar for a refreshing summer salad.

Health Benefits:

Hydration: With 92% water content, watermelon helps keep the body hydrated, which is crucial for overall health, particularly in the summer. Eating two cups of watermelon can provide significant hydration.

Lycopene: Just like tomatoes, watermelon contains lycopene, which helps protect against heart disease and certain cancers. One cup of watermelon provides a substantial amount of this antioxidant.

Vitamin A: Important for eye health and immune function. One cup of watermelon provides 9% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this Watermelon Feta Salad recipe:

Combine cubed watermelon, feta cheese, mint leaves, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a hydrating and flavorful salad.

Health Benefits:

Anthocyanins: These antioxidants reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Studies have shown that consuming 1.5 cups of cherries per day can significantly reduce inflammation markers.

Melatonin: Promotes better sleep and helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Consuming cherries or cherry juice can improve sleep quality.

Potassium: Helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. One cup of cherries provides 9% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this Cherry Smoothie recipe:

Blend pitted cherries, Greek yogurt, a banana, and a splash of almond milk for a tasty and nutritious smoothie.

Health Benefits:

Beta-Carotene: Converts to vitamin A in the body, which is essential for eye health and immune function. Consuming one peach provides about 10% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin C: Supports skin health by promoting collagen production. One peach provides about 11% of the daily recommended intake.

Potassium: Aids in fluid balance and muscle contractions. One peach provides 8% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Grilled Peaches:

Grill halved peaches and top with a dollop of Greek yogurt and a sprinkle of honey for a healthy dessert.

Health Benefits:

Sorbitol and Fiber: Natural laxatives that help improve bowel regularity and overall digestive health. Consuming 2-3 plums per day can help alleviate constipation.

Vitamin K: Essential for bone health and blood clotting. One plum provides 7% of the daily recommended intake.

Antioxidants: Protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Plums are rich in phenolic compounds that have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects.

Try this recipe for Plum Salad:

Slice plums and mix with arugula, goat cheese, and a light vinaigrette for a refreshing summer salad.

Health Benefits:

Bromelain: An enzyme that aids digestion, reduces inflammation, and can help alleviate sinusitis symptoms. Consuming 1 cup of pineapple provides enough bromelain to support digestive health.

Vitamin C: Boosts immune function and protects against oxidative stress. One cup of pineapple provides more than 100% of the daily recommended intake.

Manganese: Supports bone health and metabolic function. One cup of pineapple provides 76% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Pineapple Salsa:

Mix diced pineapple, red onion, cilantro, and lime juice for a sweet and tangy salsa perfect for grilled fish or chicken.

Health Benefits:

Beta-carotene: Converts to vitamin A in the body, supporting vision, skin health, and immune function. Consuming 2-3 apricots provides about 25% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin C: Protects skin cells from damage and promotes collagen production. One apricot provides about 4% of the daily recommended intake.

Fiber: Aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Apricots provide soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels.

Try this recipe for Apricot Glazed Chicken:

Bake chicken breasts with a glaze made from apricot preserves, soy sauce, and garlic for a delicious and healthy main dish.

Health Benefits:

Beta-Carotene: Converts to vitamin A, supporting vision and immune function. One cup of mango provides 10% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin C: Boosts immune function and skin health. One cup of mango provides 67% of the daily recommended intake.

Folate: Essential for DNA synthesis and repair, especially important during pregnancy. One cup of mango provides 18% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Mango Salsa:

Mix diced mango, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, and lime juice for a colorful and nutritious topping for grilled chicken or fish.

Health Benefits:

Resveratrol: A polyphenol that has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel function and reducing inflammation. Consuming 1-2 cups of grapes can provide heart-protective benefits.

Vitamin K: Essential for bone health and blood clotting. One cup of grapes provides 28% of the daily recommended intake.

Antioxidants: Protect cells from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Grapes are rich in various antioxidants, including flavonoids.

Try this recipe for Grape and Walnut Salad:

Mix halved grapes with walnuts, mixed greens, and a light balsamic vinaigrette for a heart-healthy salad.

Top 10 Nutritious Summer Vegetables

Health Benefits:

Iron: Crucial for transporting oxygen in the blood. Consuming 1 cup of cooked spinach provides about 36% of the daily recommended intake for women and 81% for men.

Calcium: Essential for bone health. One cup of raw spinach provides 3% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin K: Supports bone health and helps with blood clotting. One cup of raw spinach provides 181% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Spinach and Strawberry Salad:

Toss fresh spinach with sliced strawberries, walnuts, and a balsamic vinaigrette for a nutrient-packed salad.

Health Benefits:

Vitamin C: Essential for immune function and skin health. One cup of sliced bell peppers provides more than 200% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin A: Supports vision and immune function. One cup of sliced bell peppers provides 93% of the daily recommended intake.

Antioxidants: Bell peppers are rich in various antioxidants, including capsanthin, quercetin, and luteolin, which protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.

Try this recipe for Stuffed Bell Peppers:

Fill bell peppers with a mixture of quinoa, black beans, corn, and spices, then bake for a nutritious and colorful main dish.

Health Benefits:

Lower calorie: Zucchini is low in calories but high in essential nutrients, making it ideal for weight management. One cup of sliced zucchini contains only 19 calories.

Vitamin C: Supports immune function and skin health. One cup of sliced zucchini provides 25% of the daily recommended intake.

Fiber: Promotes digestive health and regularity. One cup of sliced zucchini provides 1.2 grams of fiber.

Try this recipe for Zucchini Noodles:

Spiralize zucchini into noodles and sauté with olive oil, garlic, and cherry tomatoes for a light and healthy pasta alternative.

Health Benefits:

Hydration: Cucumbers are 95% water, making them an excellent choice for staying hydrated. One cup of sliced cucumbers provides significant hydration.

Silica: Supports skin health by promoting collagen production. Cucumbers are a natural source of silica.

Weight Management: Low in calories but high in water content, cucumbers help you feel full while consuming fewer calories.

Try this recipe for Cucumber Salad:

Mix sliced cucumbers with red onion, dill, and a light vinaigrette for a refreshing summer side dish.

Health Benefits:

Nasunin: An antioxidant found in eggplant skin that protects cell membranes from damage. Consuming one cup of cooked eggplant provides a good amount of nasunin.

Fiber: Supports digestive health and regularity. One cup of cooked eggplant provides 10% of the daily recommended intake.

Potassium: Helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. One cup of cooked eggplant provides 5% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Eggplant Parmesan:

Layer slices of eggplant with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese, and bake for a delicious and nutritious main dish.

Health Benefits:

Energy: Corn is a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy. One ear of corn provides about 20 grams of carbohydrates.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Antioxidants that support eye health by protecting against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Corn is rich in these antioxidants.

Fiber: Aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. One ear of corn provides 8% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Grilled Corn:

Grill corn on the cob and top with a squeeze of lime, a sprinkle of chili powder, and a dash of cotija cheese for a tasty summer treat.

Health Benefits:

Vitamin K: Essential for bone health and blood clotting. One cup of raw green beans provides 18% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin A: Supports vision and immune function. One cup of raw green beans provides 14% of the daily recommended intake.

Fiber: Promotes digestive health and regularity. One cup of raw green beans provides 11% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Green Bean Almondine:

Sauté green beans with sliced almonds and a squeeze of lemon juice for a nutritious and flavorful side dish.

Health Benefits:

Lower calorie: Summer squash is low in calories but high in essential nutrients, making it ideal for weight management. One cup of cooked summer squash contains only 36 calories.

Vitamin C: Supports immune function and skin health. One cup of cooked summer squash provides 25% of the daily recommended intake.

Fiber: Aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. One cup of cooked summer squash provides 8% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Stuffed Summer Squash:

Hollow out summer squash and fill with a mixture of quinoa, vegetables, and herbs, then bake for a nutritious and filling main dish.

Health Benefits:

Nitrates: Help lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. Consuming 1-2 cups of beet juice daily can significantly lower blood pressure.

Betalains: Antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage. Beets are rich in these antioxidants.

Folate: Essential for DNA synthesis and repair. One cup of cooked beets provides 37% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for Roasted Beet Salad:

Roast beets and toss with arugula, goat cheese, and a balsamic vinaigrette for a nutritious and flavorful salad.

Health Benefits:

Vitamin K: Essential for bone health and blood clotting. One cup of raw kale provides 684% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin A: Supports vision and immune function. One cup of raw kale provides 206% of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin C: Boosts immune function and skin health. One cup of raw kale provides 89% of the daily recommended intake.

Try this recipe for a Simple Kale Salad:

This salad is made with massaged fresh kale, freshly-squeezed lemon juice, Parmesan, a drizzle of olive oil, and a sprinkling of your favorite nuts.

Summer is a perfect time to consume a colorful array of fruits and vegetables that help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. By including these nutrient powerhouses in your daily meals, you can ensure that your body receives the vital nutrients it needs to function effectively and protect against illness.

Go ahead and embrace the natural bounty of summer produce!

Xylitol & Heart Attacks: Should You Worry?

A recent study led by Cleveland Clinic analyzed over 4,000 individuals across multiple clinical sites. Data was collected over several years. The study ultimately found there was an association between blood levels of xylitol and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

However, the study did not address food intake by participant, so it cannot be determined if the xylitol levels were based on dietary exposure or endogenously-produced xylitol. Ultimately, the study was not comprehensive at evaluating the long-term effects of xylitol when consumed in moderate amounts.

Since the publishing of the study, many consumers have mistakenly lumped all sugar-free sweeteners together, deducing that all sweeteners should avoided for fear of  heart attack or stroke.

This is a concern as consumers are searching for a sweetener that meets their needs. According to Mintel, “There is an opportunity to help consumers feel informed and in control when making their sugar and sweetener choices.”  Hearing about the downside of an unproven study does not help.

So let’s focus on what we do know about xylitol…

What is xylitol?

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in various food and dental care products. It is popular because it has fewer calories than sugar and is known for not causing tooth decay. It is also found in fruit, vegetables, and berries.

Xylitol differs from other sugar alcohols in several key ways, making it unique and beneficial for specific uses. Unlike many sugar alcohols, xylitol has a sweetness comparable to sugar but with significantly fewer calories, making it a popular sugar substitute. It is particularly noted for its dental health benefits; xylitol helps prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria primarily responsible for cavities.

Additionally, xylitol has a lower glycemic index than other sugar alcohols, which means it has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for diabetics and those managing blood glucose levels.

While other sugar alcohols can cause digestive discomfort in large quantities, xylitol is generally better tolerated, though it can still cause issues for some individuals if consumed in excess. Overall, xylitol’s unique properties make it a versatile and advantageous sugar alcohol for both health and culinary purposes.

Products commonly containing xylitol:

  • Gum: brands like Orbit, Trident, and Eclipse
  • Sugar-free candy and mints: Brands like Werthers, Ice Breakers, and Spry
  • Sugar-free or low-sugar baked goods
  • Dental products, like toothpaste and mouthwash
  • Over-the-counter medications and chewable vitamins
  • Low-calorie foods and beverages, like gelatin desserts, condiments, and cereals

Cardiovascular implications

The researchers found a correlation between higher levels of xylitol in the bloodstream and an elevated incidence of these serious cardiovascular health issues outlined below. The study authors hypothesized that xylitol might influence cardiovascular health through mechanisms that are not yet fully understood, warranting further investigation.

Blood clotting

One possible explanation, according to the results, is that xylitol could affect platelet function, which plays a crucial role in blood clotting. Altered platelet activity might increase the likelihood of clot formation, leading to heart attacks or strokes.

Metabolic pathways

Xylitol is also metabolized differently from regular sugar, and this unique metabolic pathway might impact lipid levels, inflammation, and other factors involved in cardiovascular health.

Impact on blood vessels

There is also speculation based the study that xylitol could influence the health of blood vessels, potentially contributing to atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls). Again, more research is needed here as to the exact levels that can cause these impacts, and over what span of time.


Xylitol’s other health effects

Dental benefits


Cavity prevention: Xylitol is well-documented for its role in preventing tooth decay. It inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria primarily responsible for cavities, by reducing their ability to stick to teeth and produce acid.

Saliva production: Xylitol stimulates saliva production, which helps in neutralizing acids and repairing tooth enamel.


Glycemic control


Lower glycemic index: Xylitol has a low glycemic index, making it a popular sugar substitute for people with diabetes. It does not cause significant spikes in blood glucose or insulin levels, which is beneficial for blood sugar management.

Weight management: Due to its lower calorie content compared to regular sugar, xylitol can be useful in weight management and reducing overall calorie intake.


Digestive issues


Laxative effect: At high doses, xylitol can cause digestive discomfort, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. This is because it is partially absorbed in the small intestine, and the unabsorbed portion is fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, producing gas. Eating more than 30-40 grams of Xylitol is harmful.

Tolerance levels: Individual tolerance to xylitol varies, and some people may experience gastrointestinal issues even at lower doses.

Allergic reactions: While rare, some individuals may have allergic reactions to xylitol, manifesting as rashes, itching, or gastrointestinal distress.


Debunking misconceptions

A common misconception is that all sugar-free options are inherently bad for health. This is not true. Sugar-free products are often great low-calorie options for those looking to lose or maintain weight; they also can serve as insulin stabilizers.

However, be aware of how much of these substitutes you consume and their potential long-term health effects over time. There is currently no limitation nor recommendation on the amount of xylitol that is considered safe for consumption.

Balancing benefits and risks

While it offers significant advantages for dental health and blood sugar control, the recently published study needs to be investigated more thoroughly to determine if there is a real risk. So, what can we do?

Moderation is key

While the study does not specifically support moderation, and does not detail how much we should eat, we do know that any sugar can have adverse effects if eaten in too great a quantity causing inflammation, digestive issues, obesity, metabolic disorders, and so on. Remember for regular sugar, the recommended maximum daily intake should not exceed 9 teaspoons for men and 6 teaspoons for women.

Stay informed

Keep up-to-date with new research on sugar substitutes and their health effects. As more studies are conducted, guidelines on safe consumption levels may evolve.

Have a colorful and varied diet

Eating fruits, vegetables, and protein instead of excess sugar is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, all of which are vital for overall health.

These nutrients help to boost the immune system, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and improve digestive health. Additionally, fruits and vegetables are a great low in calorie option and high in water content, which can aid in weight management and promote a feeling of fullness.

Protein, on the other hand, provides the essential amino acids necessary for building and repairing tissues, supporting immune function, and maintaining muscle mass.

Consuming adequate protein is important for metabolic health, as it helps regulate appetite and stabilize blood sugar levels. Unlike sugary foods, which can lead to spikes in blood sugar and contribute to weight gain and metabolic disorders, protein-rich foods promote satiety and sustained energy levels.

Use common sense

But don’t fret. You certainly are not going to have adverse effects from chewing gum or brushing your teeth given how little xylitol is in these products. Now, eating 5 sugar-free processed muffins daily for an extended period of time might not be the best idea…but that’s for several reasons. Focus on nutrient dense whole fruits, vegetables and proteins!

Digging Deeper: Pasteurization

milk being poured into a glass

In the past, some of us drank fresh, raw milk every day. But these days, several factors make raw milk an untenable option, including dairy industry consolidation, food safety concerns, and longer transportation times.

Since milk needs to be packaged and delivered to a grocery store or corner market, it may take several days before it hits your glass. For milk to safely survive the journey from cow to carton, it gets pasteurized, a process that keeps milk safe and lasting longer in your refrigerator.

Pasteurization is the process of heating a substance to kill pathogens, such as listeria, E. coli, salmonella, and the highly-pathogenic avian flu.

Dairy producers pasteurize milk to make it safe for consumers, as well as maintaining its safety during transport and extended storage times. If you drink raw milk straight from a cow, without treating it, you put yourself at great risk.

Some believe this process makes milk harder to digest and is an unnecessary procedure that denies our bodies of nutrients destroyed in the processing. Let’s take a look at this first.

Does Pasteurization Make Milk Harder to Digest?

Many proponents of raw milk products believe that pasteurized milk causes gut inflammation from not properly breaking down these denatured protein compounds.

Scientifically, the heat treatment disrupts the hydrogen bonds in a protein molecule and causes the bonds to be “disrupted.” For reference, when you cook an egg, the proteins also denature.

So, while heating raw milk can cause denaturation of protein, this has only proven to potentially affect immunocompromised patients.

Additionally, how your body digests denatured protein depends entirely on the amount of heat exposure the proteins have had. Typical pasteurization methods generate very few denatured proteins.

Let’s take a closer look at the most common ways to pasteurize milk and milk products.

Pasteurization Methods


Also known as flash pasteurization, this method heats up the milk to 280 degrees for 4-5 seconds. Because the temperature of the milk exceeds 150 degrees, it is possible for the proteins to “denature,” or change from their original structure. Essentially, the heat can cause the protein compounds to break down. It is also argued that this process kills off some of the good bacteria present in raw milk.

High-temperature pasteurization

This is the most commonly used pasteurization technique. This process heats up milk to 161 degrees for 15 seconds.

Like flash pasteurization, some of the micro-life present in raw milk will be killed off through HT pasteurization. Additionally, the proteins in HT-treated milk may experience some denaturation. Heat treatment aside, milk remains a nutrient dense food.

Low-temperature pasteurization

LT heats raw milk to 145 degrees for 30 minutes before chilling it rapidly. Like HT and ultra pasteurization, this process can also kill off some of the probiotics present in raw milk. But, it is argued that LT pasteurization helps maintain milk’s protein quality.

While this process does not “denature” proteins, it can cause protein aggregation, whereby the compounds accumulate and clump together, making the proteins harder to digest. These proteins are harder to digest than its denatured counterpart, making consumption especially challenging for immune compromised or extremely allergic individuals.

Raw or unpasteurized

These products have not been heat-treated and are at much greater risk of carrying harmful pathogens. They also have a significantly shorter shelf life, which contributes to food waste if not consumed within a few days of its production.

Even more options

While heat-treating raw milk will destroy some of its beneficial properties, it’s a high price to pay if it’s contaminated with dangerous pathogens. If you still want to enjoy raw milk for its nutrients, consider purchasing products from dairy companies that add active cultures and probiotics that were affected during heat processing.

One such company taking proactive steps to protect your digestive system is Fairlife. Fairlife milk is flash pasteurized and then ultra-filtered to concentrate the protein content, sterilize the milk, and remove lactose – or milk sugars –  from the final product.

This way, those who suffer from lactose intolerance and/or have a hard time digesting denatured milk proteins can enjoy this dairy product with minimal to no effects.

What about cheeses?

Cheese is another important food when it comes to pasteurization. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandates that any cheese produced from raw milk must be held or aged for 60 days and kept consistently at 35-degrees Fahrenheit before it can be sold commercially. This helps ensure that foodborne pathogens are no longer present in the food, as they cannot survive in an environment after 60 days.

Additionally, treating the cheese with salt and curing the rind can also protect from potentially dangerous bacteria, viruses and molds. Like milk, pasteurized cheese can be treated at either a high temperature (174 degrees for roughly 20 seconds) or low temperature (149 degrees for 30-40 seconds).

When you think of pasteurization, you undoubtedly think of milk! However, many other foods that are heat treated, as well. Almonds, sauerkraut, and some kinds of vinegar are pasteurized to sanitize the food and kill harmful bacteria. The pasteurization process keeps consumers safe, so before you dismiss a pasteurized product, also consider what it may be protecting you from.

Are artificial sweeteners bad for us?

examples of alternative sweeteners

You have many choices to satisfy your sweet tooth besides sugar. In fact, almost half of us use sugar alternatives, with 43% turning to sugar substitutes to curb their sugar consumption.

Among sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, Equal, and Sweet’N Low are 2023’s most popular choices, with natural alternatives, like Stevia in the Raw and other stevia products, gaining in market share.

Despite our persistent beliefs about how unhealthy these sweeteners are for us, all artificial and natural sweeteners on the market in the U.S. and Europe are Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA and tested thoroughly by the European Food Safety Authority and the WHO.

Because of the meticulous analysis conducted by such governmental organizations as the FDA, WHO and the European Union, we as consumers can feel confident that these sweeteners have undergone substantial scrutiny before consumption of these products is permitted.

Don’t sweeteners make us sick?

Artificial sweeteners, Splenda, Equal and Sweet’N Low, have a very storied past with the public, with about 40% of us believing sweeteners are generally unhealthy and also that some sweeteners are worse than others. These beliefs are a contributing factor to the recent decline in sales of artificial sweeteners and its associated products, like diet sodas.

Saccharin, the first artificial sweetener on the market, came under scrutiny in the 1970s because of a well-known lab test among rats that resulted in an increased incidence of bladder cancer. However, the results were later dismissed as it was found that saccharin has an entirely different effect on human bladders.

Aspartame continues to have its share of the spotlight with similar cancer concerns, mostly of the brain, but in 2006 the National Cancer Institute conducted a 5-year study of data from almost 500,000 individuals and found that higher levels of aspartame were not associated with elevated risk for brain cancer.

“Although there has been a lot of negative press about artificial sweeteners, there is no evidence that artificial sweeteners cause cancer in humans.”

– Christine Zoumas, MS, RD, Program Director at University of California, San Diego, Moores Cancer Center

The agony and the irony

Surprisingly, some of these artificial, no-calorie sweeteners we use to lose or manage our weight are making us bigger, depending on the amount and duration we use them.

There is a tremendous amount of controversy on how these artificial sweeteners contribute to obesity. It is debated within the scientific community whether regular, long term consumption of artificial sweeteners leads to long-term health benefits or weight loss.

In fact, quite the opposite can be true: a 2017 meta-analysis reported in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that the consumption of sugar substitutes was associated with increases in weight and waist circumference, and a higher incidence of obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular events.

“Based on all of the research done so far, there is no clear evidence for a benefit, but there is evidence of potential harm from the long term consumption of artificial sweeteners.


-Dr. Meghan Azad, PhD, University of Manitoba

So if sweeteners have zero calories, how in the world is this happening? There may be three reasons for the expanding waistlines and associated illnesses…

Sweetness begets more sweetness

Dr. David Ludwig, an obesity and weight-loss specialist at Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital, hypothesizes that those who use artificial sweeteners may end up replacing the lost calories with less nutritious and calorie-dense options, like cake or pizza, thinking that they can “spend” their otherwise consumed 300 calories if they drank two regular sodas.

Another consideration is that hyper-sweetened substances may alter the way we taste our food. Since sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar, our brains become more accustomed to this level of sweetness and eventually we find more natural but lesser sweet things, like fruits, less desirable. And vegetables? Forget it!

Lastly, these artificial sweeteners allow the consumer to disassociate sweet with caloric, which can be dangerous as eating sugar and sugar-like substances signal our brain to consume more sugar, thus initiating a vicious cycle. You can blame that on our primate ancestors, as sugar was a scarce commodity way back when!

Other controversies

While the research has not been peer-reviewed or widely accepted by the scientific community, there are several separate research trials of Splenda, Equal, and Sweet’N Low that have shown causal relationships between artificial sweeteners and negative gut microbiome health, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.

One study conducted by a team of Israeli scientists in 2014 found that artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame and saccharin, significantly altered the intestinal bacteria of mice that, in turn, negatively affected their metabolisms, leading to obesity, diabetes, and other related diseases. (If you are unfamiliar with the gut microbiome, also known as our “second brain”, be sure to read our post on gut microbiota.)

Regarding the link of artificial sweeteners to Alzheimer’s disease and stroke, the American Heart Association reported that daily consumption of diet sodas may substantially increase the risk of these diseases. However, it is important to keep in mind that this finding may be a correlation and not causation— meaning that those who drink diet sodas regularly may be in poorer health than those who don’t drink them due to overall poor diet and lack of exercise.

Do diet drinks count?

Some of us may not think we regularly use artificial sweeteners, but don’t discount all those diet drinks and zero-calorie flavored waters!

According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, nearly half of adults and a quarter of children in the U.S. consume artificial sweeteners—and the majority do so on a daily basis, with diet drinks making up the bulk of the intake.

Both the American Heart Association and the American Diabetic Association jointly agree that people should use artificial sweeteners cautiously.

Other options are also being added to the grocery store shelves, such as xylitol and stevia-sweetened sodas and drinks.

Because of its taste and its natural origin, stevia sweetened sodas, drinks, and food items are gaining in popularity.

From just 2014 to 2017, the market value of stevia has grown 71% to $578 million from $338 million.

Here’s a list of the most popular diet drinks in the market today and their associated sweeteners:

Splenda (sucralose)

Splenda is an artificial sweetener that is made of sucralose, a synthetically derived compound from sucrose – or table sugar. Sucralose is extremely sweet – it’s about 600 times sweeter than table sugar and three times sweeter than Equal.

Sucralose in your body: Because your body has no use for it, approximately 85% of sucralose does not get digested or absorbed, thus leaving your body unchanged. Most of what remains gets absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and then leaves the system as urine, but about 5% of the remaining sucralose will metabolize in the body.

Limitation on consumption: As per FDA guidelines, acceptable daily intake of sucralose is 5 milligrams per kilograms of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 lbs., it is safe for you to consume upwards of 340mg of sucralose per day, which equates to 28 Splenda packets or 9 cans of diet soda. That should leave PLENTY of room for even the sweetest of sweet-tooths! 

Equal (aspartame)

Equal, or aspartame, is made from aspartic acid and phenylalanine, two amino acids that when combined in a specific structure, yield a very sweet substance that’s 200 times sweeter than table sugar.

Aspartame in your body: Unlike sucralose and saccharine, aspartame is fully absorbed in the body given its composition of amino acids, which your intestinal tract breaks down into digestive enzymes the same way it would after consuming common protein sources, such as meats, fish, eggs and dairy. Aspartame does not enter your blood stream. 

Limitation on consumption: The acceptable daily intake of aspartame as determined by the FDA is 50 milligrams per kilograms of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 lbs., it is safe for you to consume upwards of 3,400mg of aspartame per day. This equates to 18 cans of diet soda or almost 100 blue packets…per day! Keep in mind that your body creates trace amounts of methanol when breaking down aspartame. Though small amounts are not considered toxic and are actually naturally-occurring, larger amounts can lead to headaches, weakness, dizziness and nausea.

Aspartame and health conditions: A very important note about aspartame is that it is not to be consumed by those who suffer from phenylketonuria, a condition in which a person cannot metabolize phenylalanine into tyrosine. Thankfully, in the U.S. and most countries, detection of this condition occurs in the newborn screening panel.

Sweet’N Low (saccharin)

Sweet’n Low is an artificial sweetener made of saccharin, or benzoic sulfimide, which is a synthesized compound of methyl anthranilate, sodium nitrite, hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia. This yields a very sugary substance that’s 300-400 times sweeter than sucrose. 

Saccharin in your body: Similar to sucralose, saccharin is also not largely stored in the body.

Limitation on consumption: As per FDA guidelines, the acceptable daily intake of saccharin as determined by the FDA is 15 milligrams per kilograms of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 lbs., it is safe for you to consume upwards of 1,000mg of saccharin per day, which equates to 28 pink packets or 16 cans of Tab (if you’re able to locate the cult fave!)


Stevia is an all-natural sweetener that comes from a shrub called stevia rebaudiana and is primarily grown in South America and Asia. Today, 80% of all stevia comes from China, where they practice strict farming guidelines. These compounds are so sweet that it is actually 200-300 times sweeter than sugar.

Stevia in your body: Stevia has been studied and confirmed that it does not change your glycemic index or glycemic load. Research shows that it is metabolized by the liver, then passes through the body and does not accumulate anywhere.

Limitation on consumption: As per FDA guidelines, the acceptable daily intake of stevia is 4 milligrams per kilograms of body weight per day. So if you weigh 150 lbs., it is safe for you to consume up to 40 packets of stevia per day – every day.

A more “natural” artificial sweetener? There has been some conversation about stevia being considered a natural sweetener. Because there is no real definition of ‘natural’ (read our post investigating the ‘natural’ label here), the word is not meaningful. However, it is not synthetically made like other alternative sweeteners; therefore it is referred to as a ‘natural-origin’ sweetener.

Can we “hack” our gut health?

Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut, a documentary featured on Netflix, highlights the microbiome, the community of bacteria living inside our bodies, as a crucial player in gut health.

Each person’s microbiome is unique, much like fingerprints. The microbiome consists of approximately 100 trillion microbes, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, that reside primarily in the intestines. These microbes help break down food, support the immune system, and communicate via the vagus nerve that connects our gut to our brain.

Hack Your Health follows the journey of four individuals, each with distinct gut health challenges. The variability in characters shows the complex nature of the gut and all that it impacts:

Michelin-starred pastry chef Maya learns that her anorexia and restrictive diet have severely impacted her gut health, necessitating a more balanced dietary approach to improve her well-being.


Daniell, the psychology student, discovers that her severe digestive issues and restrictive diet are linked to her gut microbiome, highlighting the need for personalized dietary adjustments.


Kimmie, labeled morbidly obese, finds that her lack of gut bacteria diversity affects her ability to feel full and lose weight, leading to tailored dietary recommendations to enhance her microbial diversity.


Competitive hot dog-eater Kobayashi realizes that his extreme eating habits have disrupted his hunger signals and gut health, prompting concerns about long-term damage and the need for a healthier lifestyle.

What the Documentary Gets Right and Wrong

The documentary is commendable for its scientific accuracy and approachable presentation of complex topics. It avoids the trap of pseudoscience by not offering overly simplistic solutions to complex problems. Instead, it emphasizes that gut health solutions are highly individualized, depending on one’s unique microbiome composition.

The documentary also accurately portrays the emerging science of the gut-brain axis, illustrating how the gut communicates with the brain and influences various bodily functions.

While the documentary is informative, it sometimes glosses over the intricate details of scientific studies, opting for a more infotainment approach. This style might leave viewers wanting a deeper dive into the science behind the microbiome and its broader implications.

Additionally, the documentary faced criticism for promoting untested claims about autism and gut health, which led to backlash from autism advocacy groups.

Scientific Insights & Treatments

To address their gut issues, Maya, Daniell, Kimmie, and Kobayashi send fecal samples for analysis. The results help tailor diets that could improve their microbiome diversity and overall health. One innovative treatment discussed is the “fecal microbiome transplant,” where healthy bacteria from a donor’s stool are transferred to the recipient’s gut.

This procedure has shown promise in treating conditions like Clostridium difficile infections and is being explored for other applications. But more underscore the new ways of diagnostics, such as as fecal sampling for additional information outside of just bloodwork.

What Does the Science Say About Our Gut?

Gut-Brain Axis

The gut-brain axis refers to the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. This connection influences various bodily functions, including mood, stress responses, and even cognitive functions.

For instance, the gut produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is crucial for mood regulation. Dysbiosis, an imbalance in gut bacteria, has been linked to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Immune System

Approximately 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. The gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in training the immune system to differentiate between harmful pathogens and harmless antigens. A healthy microbiome can prevent autoimmune diseases by maintaining a balanced immune response.

Metabolism & Weight Management

Gut bacteria are involved in the metabolism of food and the extraction of nutrients. They influence how we store fat, regulate glucose levels, and feel hunger or satiety. Dysbiosis can lead to metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that individuals with a diverse microbiome are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.

Inflammation & Chronic Diseases

A balanced microbiome helps control inflammation by producing anti-inflammatory compounds. Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for several diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Dysbiosis is linked to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut), which allows toxins to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation.

Digestive Health

The microbiome aids in digesting complex carbohydrates and fibers that the body cannot break down on its own. This process produces short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which nourish the gut lining, reduce inflammation, and support overall digestive health. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease are associated with imbalances in the gut microbiome.

Key Takeaways for Consumers

While this documentary is not pseudoscience, it still lacks a bit of scientific depth. But here are some sound takeaways rooted in science from key points in the documentary:

Gut Diversity is Key

A diverse microbiome is crucial for good health. Each person’s microbiome is unique, and having a variety of bacteria can enhance resilience against diseases. Consuming a wide range of foods, especially plant-based ones, can help foster this diversity.

Plants provide different types of fibers, polyphenols, and other bioactive compounds that serve as substrates for various microbial species in the gut, promoting microbial diversity. A diverse diet boosts the production of short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, which play a crucial role in maintaining gut barrier integrity, reducing inflammation, and supporting immune function.

Individualized Solutions

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to gut health. Personalized approaches based on microbiome analysis can provide better health outcomes. For instance, Kimmie’s gut analysis revealed a lack of bacteria that help her feel full, leading to personalized dietary recommendations to increase her microbial diversity.

Similarly, Daniell’s restrictive diet was tailored to her specific gut needs. Understanding the unique composition of your microbiome can help in identifying the specific foods and treatments that are most beneficial for you.

Innovative Treatments

Treatments like fecal microbiome transplants (FMT) show promise but should be approached with caution and professional guidance. FMT involves transferring bacteria from a healthy donor’s stool to the recipient’s gut, aiming to restore a balanced microbiome.

This procedure has been effective in treating recurrent Clostridium difficile infections and is being investigated for other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. However, it carries risks, including the potential transfer of harmful pathogens, and should only be done under medical supervision.

Fiber is Essential

Eating more plants and fibers is universally recommended for maintaining a healthy gut. Fiber acts as a prebiotic, feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut and promoting their growth. High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

The fiber in these foods is fermented by gut bacteria, producing short-chain fatty acids that support gut health and overall well-being. Increasing fiber intake can also improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and enhance immune function.

Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut is a compelling watch for anyone interested in the emerging science of gut health. While it may not delve as deeply into hard science as some might prefer, it offers valuable insights and practical advice in an engaging and accessible manner.

Grocery Shopping Made Simple

This method, developed by Will Coleman, not only simplifies the shopping process but ensures that consumers maintain a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. This approach aligns well with the Dirt to Dinner philosophy, emphasizing wallet-friendly trends, beneficial for health, and helpful in making informed, healthful, consumer decisions.

According to the International Food Information Council’s 2023 Food & Health Survey, 76% of Americans say price is highly impactful on their food purchasing decision, and nine out of 10 Americans have noticed an increase in the overall cost of food and beverages.


Besides cost being a driver of purchases, taste still ranks number one and healthfulness is important for 62% of Americans.

Shopping Method Countdown

The 6-to-1 grocery shopping method is a strategic approach to grocery shopping that encourages shoppers to purchase items across six distinct categories for every one discretionary item: 6 vegetables, 5 fruits, 4 proteins, 3 starches, 2 spreads and 1 treat.

The focus is on filling the cart with essentials that ensure a well-rounded ratio of nutrients, thereby simplifying decision-making.

So let’s start from the top…

Six Vegetables

Choose six vegetables to put in your cart!

The recommended daily intake of vegetables can vary based on factors like age, sex, and level of physical activity, but a general guideline from health authorities such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests that adults consume between 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. This is part of their broader recommendation for a healthy eating pattern.

For instance, specific guidelines suggest:

  • Women aged 19 to 50 years should aim for at least 2.5 cups of vegetables daily.
  • Men in the same age range should target at least 3 cups daily.
  • Older adults or those less physically active might need slightly less.

These servings should include a variety of vegetables from different subgroups, including dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other vegetables, to ensure a diverse intake of nutrients.

Here are some of our favorite nutrient-dense options that are tasty in all sorts of recipes:

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Health Benefits

Vegetables are critical for preventing chronic diseases thanks to their high nutrient density. For example, high intakes of leafy greens like spinach are associated with a lower risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cognitive decline due to their rich content in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are linked to a decreased risk of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer, through mechanisms involving the regulation of enzymes and inhibition of tumor growth. Much like the healthy plate suggests, vegetables should be your largest daily food group ratio.

Five Fruits

Choose five of your favorite fruits! Aim to add about 1.5 to 2 cups of vibrant, delicious fruits to your daily diet.

Whether you’re filling your basket with tangy oranges, crisp apples, or exotic mangoes, each fruit offers a unique burst of flavor and essential nutrients. By hitting these fruity targets, you’re not just satisfying your sweet tooth—you’re fueling your body in the most delicious way possible!

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Health Benefits

Fruits are a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber which help reduce the risk of developing various diseases. Consuming a variety of fruits is associated with a reduced risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Berries, for example, have high levels of flavonoids, which have been shown to enhance brain health and prevent age-related memory loss. This should make up a similar portion of your plate to protein.

Four Proteins

Adults should aim for a range of protein sources to meet their daily needs, typically about 5 to 6.5 ounces depending on your age, sex, and activity level. From the lean cuts of meat in the butcher section to the versatile beans and lentils in the dry goods, protein is your body’s building block.

Why not grab some salmon for those omega 3s, or perhaps some chicken for a lean, mean dinner option? Don’t forget plant-based stars like tofu and tempeh, which can be fantastic in stir-fries or salads.

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Health Benefits

Protein is essential for muscle repair, immune function, and overall growth and development. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, are linked to reduced inflammation and lower risks of heart disease.

Plant-based proteins such as lentils and black beans offer cardiovascular benefits and are associated with lower cholesterol levels and improved gut health.

Three Starches

Depending on your overall dietary needs, aim to incorporate about 5 to 8 ounces of starches into your daily meals. Explore the world of whole grains like quinoa, barley, and whole wheat bread that keep you feeling full and energized. Or indulge in the hearty comfort of potatoes and sweet potatoes, perfect for roasting, mashing, or baking.

And don’t overlook the pasta and rice – versatile staples that can be the foundation of countless delicious dishes. Tip: When you are in the store, avoid all white starches as possible; seek brown options—they are likely more balanced and lower in sugar!

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Health Benefits

Starches are a key source of energy and play a crucial role in maintaining blood sugar levels. Whole grains like quinoa and oats are linked to reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer due to their high fiber content which aids in digestion and promotes satiety.

Two Sauces or Spreads

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Health Benefits: Sauces and spreads can enhance the flavor of meals while contributing to nutrient intake. For example, olive oil in pesto is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

One Fun Treat

While generally limited in nutrients, allowing for occasional treats like dark chocolate can aid in sticking to a healthy eating plan by reducing feelings of deprivation. Dark chocolate is known for its cardiovascular benefits due to its high flavonoid content.

Here are a few treat examples and nutrients:

  • Square of dark chocolate: Flavonoids, iron, magnesium
  • Pack of sugar-free gummy bears: Sugars, small amounts of juice (if used)
  • A small serving of corn chips: Sodium, calories

By organizing shopping into six straightforward categories, Coleman’s method helps individuals make healthier food choices, reduce food waste, and save money—all of which are essential for maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle in today’s fast-paced world. The method not only supports physical health by ensuring a nutritious diet but also promotes mental well-being by simplifying decision-making and reducing the stress associated with meal preparation.

Is Whole-Fat Dairy Healthy?

Current consumer attitudes toward milk and dairy products are increasingly influenced by health concerns, environmental considerations, and the rise of plant-based alternatives. Many consumers have moved toward low-fat dairy options or non-dairy substitutes, perceiving them as healthier choices due to longstanding recommendations to limit saturated fat intake.

Findings from the latest dairy study highlight the potential cardiometabolic benefits of full-fat dairy. By presenting evidence that full-fat dairy may not only be harmless but potentially beneficial, these insights could encourage consumers to reconsider their choices in the dairy aisle.

This shift could lead to a renewed interest in whole-milk products and fermented dairy, balancing the dietary landscape with a broader acceptance of various dairy fat contents based on individual health benefits rather than a one-size-fits-all dietary guideline.

The comprehensive review, “Whole-Milk Dairy Foods and Cardiometabolic Health: Dairy Fat and Beyond,” authored by Avinash Pokala and colleagues , challenges longstanding beliefs about the relationship between full-fat dairy consumption and cardiometabolic health.

Historically, full-fat dairy products, which are high in saturated fats, have been thought to contribute to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. This study scrutinizes this hypothesis by reviewing recent evidence from observational studies and randomized controlled trials.

Scope and Key Findings

The review critically examines extensive research to assess the impact of full-fat dairy products on health. It categorizes the evidence based on the type of dairy product (fermented vs. non-fermented) and explores the role of specific components like milk polar lipids. The study also considers how the dairy food matrix—comprising fats, proteins, and bioactive molecules—interacts to influence health outcomes.

Cardiometabolic Activities of Dairy Fat

Contrary to previous guidelines that recommend limiting full-fat dairy, the study finds that dairy fat intake has a neutral to beneficial effect on cardiometabolic health. It references several large-scale studies and meta-analyses which suggest that full-fat dairy consumption does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and may, in fact, offer protective benefits against metabolic syndrome (MetS) and diabetes.

Positive Effects of Fermented Dairy Products

Fermented products like yogurt and cheese consistently show beneficial effects in improving lipid profiles and potentially lowering CVD risk. For example, a meta-analysis cited in the review demonstrates that yogurt consumption is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, attributing these effects to the fermentation process which may enhance the bioavailability of bioactive peptides and other nutrients.

Role of Milk Polar Lipids

Milk polar lipids, concentrated in the milk fat globule membrane, are shown to improve blood lipid profiles and contribute to cardiovascular health. The study discusses evidence from controlled trials where milk polar lipids were found to regulate lipid absorption, reduce inflammation, and improve gut health, thereby offering a mechanistic explanation for the cardioprotective effects of full-fat dairy.

Reevaluation of Dietary Recommendations 

The review strongly advocates for updated dietary guidelines that reflect the complexity of dairy foods and their varied impacts on health. It suggests that the current recommendations may oversimplify the effects of fats found in dairy products and do not account for the protective components like polar lipids and probiotics found in fermented dairy.

Several previous studies align with these findings, supporting the beneficial effects of full-fat dairy on cardiometabolic health. For instance, the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study found that higher dairy fat intake was associated with lower risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Additionally, a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Nutrition concluded that dairy consumption, irrespective of fat content, was linked to reduced risks of metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. These studies collectively challenge the traditional views on dairy fat and support a more differentiated understanding of its impact on health.

Implications at the Grocery Store

The review encourages consumers not to avoid full-fat dairy categorically. Instead, it suggests evaluating the overall nutritional content and considering personal health needs. For instance, individuals without a high risk of cardiovascular issues might benefit from including full-fat dairy in their diet.

Additionally, consumers should note the specific benefits of fermented dairy products. These products not only aid in digestion due to their probiotic content but also provide enhanced cardiometabolic benefits. This study underscores the importance of personalized dietary choices that consider the nutritional benefits of dairy products in the context of an overall diet and individual health profiles.

Dairy Considerations beyond Diet

Outside of the obvious health take aways for consumers based on the new information in this study, consumers are increasingly making their dietary choices based on both nutrition and environmental considerations.

The dairy industry has the potential to contribute positively to environmental sustainability through various innovative practices and technologies. Here are some ways the industry can help the environment:

Sustainable Farming Practices

By adopting more sustainable farming practices, such as managed grazing, the dairy industry can enhance soil health, increase carbon sequestration, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Managed grazing involves rotating dairy cattle through pasture lands, which can help maintain soil fertility and reduce erosion.

Renewable Energy

Dairy farms can utilize manure as a resource by converting it into biogas through anaerobic digestion. This process not only reduces methane emissions—a potent greenhouse gas—but also produces renewable energy that can power the farm and potentially supply electricity to local communities.

Efficient Use of Resources

Implementing precision agriculture techniques can help dairy farmers use water, feed, and energy more efficiently. Precision feeding programs optimize the amount of feed for cattle, reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of feed production.

Waste Recycling

By improving waste recycling processes, dairy farms can turn by-products like manure and wastewater into valuable resources such as organic fertilizers and irrigation water, thereby reducing dependency on chemical fertilizers and promoting water conservation.

Packaging Innovations

The dairy industry can also make a significant environmental impact by innovating in packaging solutions. Developing biodegradable or recyclable packaging can reduce waste and the carbon footprint associated with traditional plastic packaging.

Collaboration & Certification

Engaging in partnerships with environmental organizations can help dairy farms implement best practices and become certified in sustainable agricultural methods. Certifications can serve as a signal to consumers who are concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases.

Educating Consumers 

The industry has a role in educating consumers about the importance of sustainable dairy production and the environmental benefits of supporting local and sustainably produced dairy products.

By focusing on these areas, the dairy industry can transform from being part of the environmental problem to an active part of the solution, contributing to a more sustainable agricultural sector and helping mitigate the impact of climate change.

Brewing Longevity: Coffee’s Health Benefits

Coffee gives us a great morning boost – and it is not just the caffeine! A recent study published in Nature Metabolism brings to light the significant role of trigonelline, a naturally occurring compound in coffee, in enhancing muscle health and function, particularly against the backdrop of aging.

Trigonelline is an alkaloid that serves as a precursor to NAD+. This molecule is crucial for energy production in cells, particularly within mitochondria — the powerhouses of cells.

New Research on Trigonelline

As we age, our mitochondria’s efficiency in energy production wanes, partly due to declining NAD+ levels. This decline is linked to several age-related conditions, including sarcopenia, which is characterized by the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength.

Think of trigonelline in the body like a key that unlocks the energy production factory in muscle cells. Just as a key starts a car and revs the engine, trigonelline helps turn on the mitochondria, boosting energy output and enhancing muscle function, especially as we age. This ensures the body’s engines run smoothly and efficiently.

These effects were observed across various species, including humans, where higher blood levels of trigonelline were positively correlated with better muscle strength and function.


Conversely, lower levels were associated with sarcopenia, or muscle loss.

The implications of these findings are vast.

For one, it suggests that daily consumption of coffee, a rich source of trigonelline, could offer a simple, natural way to support muscle health and mitigate some aspects of aging.

The study, however, does not specify the exact amount of coffee required to achieve these benefits, as trigonelline content can vary widely among different coffee types and preparations.

Generally, a moderate intake of black coffee (approximately 3-4 cups per day) is considered beneficial for most people, but individual responses can vary.

Debunking Myths

But what about coffee’s negative effects? Does the trigonelline make up enough for them?

First, let’s dispel some of these outdated coffee myths:

   Coffee causes dehydration

  • While caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, the fluid content in coffee helps to maintain hydration levels. Studies suggest that for regular coffee drinkers, this diuretic effect is minimal.

   It causes heart disease

  • Numerous studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption does not increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, some research indicates that it may have protective effects against certain cardiovascular issues.

   It’s addictive

  • While caffeine can be mildly habit-forming, it does not stimulate the brain’s reward circuitry in the same way as addictive drugs. Most people can manage or reduce coffee consumption without the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with true addiction.

   It stunts growth

  • Scientific evidence does not support the idea that coffee consumption affects growth. This myth may have originated from the misconception that coffee causes osteoporosis, which it does not when consumed in moderation.

⊗   It causes cancer

  • In 2016, the World Health Organization moved coffee off its “possible carcinogen” list, acknowledging the lack of evidence that coffee causes cancer. Some studies suggest that coffee may even reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Coffee Health Facts

And there are plenty of other reasons to enjoy your cup of joe, in addition to minimizing muscle loss.

♥   Antioxidants

  • In addition to trigonelline, coffee is rich in powerful antioxidants, like chlorogenic acid and caffeine, which can neutralize harmful free radicals. This antioxidant activity is linked to a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers.

♥   Caffeine

  • As the most well-known active ingredient in coffee, caffeine has been studied extensively. It’s known to enhance brain function, improve mood, and boost metabolism. A study published in “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” suggests that caffeine can increase metabolic rate by up to 11% and enhance physical performance.

♥   Chlorogenic Acid

  • This is another significant component, believed to help lower blood sugar levels and potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. A study in “The Journal of Nutrition” found that chlorogenic acid might improve glucose metabolism, which is crucial for managing diabetes.

♥    Magnesium & B Vitamins

  • Coffee contains essential nutrients, including magnesium and B vitamins, which play crucial roles in numerous bodily functions, including energy metabolism and DNA repair.

It’s also worth noting that while coffee’s potential health benefits are promising, it’s important to consume it in moderation and be mindful of individual tolerance levels. Additionally, the healthiest way to enjoy coffee is black, or with minimal added sugar, to avoid counteracting its benefits with unnecessary calories.

This study, a collaboration among international researchers, underscores the potential of dietary interventions to improve health outcomes, especially in aging populations. It opens doors to further research on trigonelline’s role in human health and its potential in dietary supplements or as part of a broader strategy to combat age-related muscle decline.

Reputable Sources for Food Info

How do these myths and truths come to exist in people’s minds? It is all about the source.

In the landscape of nutrition and health information, the importance of consulting reputable sources cannot be overstated.

These sources, like Dirt to Dinner, are grounded in scientific research and peer-reviewed studies, and offer reliable and evidence-based insights, ensuring the advice you follow is beneficial for your health. They help sift through myriad information available, distinguishing between evidence-based facts and unfounded claims to help eliminate unfounded myths such as these.

This careful approach to gathering information is essential for making informed decisions about your diet and health, contributing to a well-rounded understanding of nutrition’s role in overall well-being and helping to navigate through common myths and misconceptions.

Navigating Nutrition, Health & Wellness Trends

Healthy Aging: Embracing Quality Life Years

The quest for healthy aging transcends the mere desire to extend life; it’s about enriching those additional years with vibrant health. The report underscores the significance of nurturing heart health, managing weight effectively, and maintaining hormonal balance.

For heart health, it champions the consumption of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts. The report also recommends whole grains and leafy greens to regulate blood pressure.

Weight management strategies include a balanced diet of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, highlighting foods such as quinoa, lean chicken, avocados, and legumes to preserve muscle mass and metabolism.

To support hormone health, incorporating phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy products, along with antioxidants from berries and nuts, is advised for hormonal balance and endocrine system support.

The Evolution of Clean Labels: Seeking Simplicity & Transparency

Today’s consumers crave simplicity and transparency in their food choices, a shift evident in the rise of minimally processed foods. This trend towards clean labels reflects a growing skepticism towards overly processed foods and complex ingredients. The advice here is clear: seek out products with short lists of whole, recognizable ingredients (click here for what we mean by this!), and exercise caution around items with  artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.

It is not that those ingredients are bad for you, but you want to look for foods that have more healthy nutritious ingredients that add value to your body. The report also points to a burgeoning interest in traditional and artisanal food-making processes, which promise less processed and more nutrient-dense food options. Our tip: Shop the perimeter of the store and avoid added sugars in processed food choices! As Mintel reports:

“Go back to the basics to help consumers age and live well by keeping hearts healthy, supporting weight management and improving muscle mass.”

Purposeful Processing: Marrying Innovation with Nutrition

Purposeful processing emerges as a strategic approach for brands to align products with health and wellness objectives without compromising on flavor or quality.

Techniques like fermentation, which boosts gut health, and cold-pressing, preserving nutritional integrity, are highlighted.

Consumers are encouraged to explore products leveraging these innovations, as they tend to offer superior nutritional profiles.

Adding in more plants to your diet,  (but don’t forget the benefits of dairy and meat in moderation), the report advises looking for products that highlight the natural benefits and flavors of plantsover those laden with additives to mimic animal products.

When looking for animal products, seek quality fish, meat and poultry.

Aging Populations: Forward-Thinking Nutrition

An aging population necessitates a proactive stance on nutrition. For the aging demographic, it calls for nutritious, accessible, and easy-to-prepare food options to meet older adults’ unique needs. Suggestions include focusing on foods that support cognitive health, bone density, and hydration, such as fatty fish, calcium and vitamin D-fortified dairy, and easily consumable fruits like berries and melons.

“According to the United Nations, one in six people (1.4 billion people) will be aged 60 or older by 2030.

While seniors are a diverse group with diverse needs, protein and hydration are two important areas to focus innovation on.”

Key Takeaways for Consumers: Navigating the Nutrition and Wellness Landscape

  • Prioritize Holistic Health: Embrace a diverse diet that bolsters heart, weight, and hormone health with a focus on nutrient-dense foods. Moderation and variation is key!
  • Embrace Transparency: Opt for products with straightforward labelling (see our label guide here!) and appreciate the value of traditional food processing methods.
  • Explore Innovation: Remain open to trying products that incorporate purposeful processing technologies to boost nutritional value without sacrificing taste. Embrace new technologies in the food space, they may just benefit you from a nutrition standpoint and a sustainability standpoint!

This analysis of the Mintel report provides an educational guide for consumers aiming to make informed decisions about their health and nutrition amidst changing global food trends. The key is to remain curious, adaptable, and informed, paving the way for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. But how do we know where to get our nutrition research?

Other Considerations

In addition to the insights provided, Mintel mentions that it’s crucial to consider the impact of digital technology and social media on consumer health choices and perceptions.

The rise of health and wellness apps, online communities, and influencer-led health trends significantly influence dietary decisions, often blurring the lines between scientifically backed advice and anecdotal evidence. Understanding how to critically evaluate these sources of information and discern credible advice from mere fads is essential for consumers aiming to make informed health decisions. [HP1]

Furthermore, the role of mental health in overall wellness, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach that nurtures both the mind and body, remains a critical area for exploration. The Mintel report focuses on the physical aspects of health, but the psychological impacts of diet, including how food choices can affect our mood and stress levels, are equally crucial. Incorporating foods known to support mental health, such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and probiotics, can be another actionable step for consumers.

To avoid falling for societal misconceptions about health and nutrition, consumers can take several proactive steps:

  • Critical Evaluation: Learn to critically evaluate health and nutrition information, checking the credibility of sources and the evidence behind claims. Are studies peer reviewed? Is the website selling their product which supports their analysis? Who is funding the study? Does it come from a reputable university or research engine? Is it an EDU or ORG website? This skepticism can help navigate through marketing hype and focus on scientifically backed advice.
  • Personalization: Recognize that dietary needs are highly individual. What works for one person may not work for another due to differences in metabolism, lifestyle, and health conditions. Consulting with healthcare providers or dietitians can help tailor dietary choices to individual needs.
  • Long-term Perspective: Adopt a long-term perspective on health and nutrition, focusing on sustainable changes rather than quick fixes (aka no fad dieting!). Slow and steady often wins the race when it comes to lasting health improvements.

By adopting these practices, consumers can navigate the forest of nutrition and wellness with confidence, making informed decisions that support their health and well-being in a balanced and sustainable way.

Can Fast Food be Sustainable?

Chipotle’s ambitious initiative to embrace and invest in the future of food through its $100 million Cultivate Next venture fund demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to the customer experience and increases access to real food.

“Our decision to double our commitment to our Cultivate Next venture fund is a clear indicator that we are investing in the right companies that we can learn from and utilize to improve the human experience of our restaurant teams, farmers, and suppliers,” said Curt Garner, Chief Customer and Technology Officer, Chipotle. Garner continues:

“The parallel growth of Chipotle and our partners will continue to further our mission to Cultivate a Better World by increasing access to real food.”

Technologies in play

The significant investments in the fund include Hyphen. The Hyphen robot represents a joint venture between Chipotle and Hyphen, aiming to revolutionize how Chipotle prepares its bowls and salads. These menu items, which form a large chunk of Chipotle’s online orders, are assembled with the help of an automated system that accurately dispenses ingredients into dishes as they move along a lower conveyor belt.

This innovative approach is designed to boost order preparation speed and precision, freeing staff members to dedicate more time to customer interactions and other essential duties. Currently under evaluation, this technological enhancement seeks to refine Chipotle’s digital service capabilities and elevate the overall dining experience for its customers.

Another fund component is an investment in GreenField Robotics, which is revolutionizing farming practices with its innovative approach to regenerative agriculture. The company leverages artificial intelligence, robotics, and sophisticated sensors, to deploy autonomous robots that manage weeds in crop fields without harmful chemicals.

These robots are designed to operate day and night, navigating between rows of crops to target and remove weeds precisely, thus significantly reducing the reliance on traditional herbicides. This method supports the health of the soil and the ecosystem and presents a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to conventional farming methods.

Nitricity is another component of the innovation investment. Nitricity is a company that produces nitrogen fertilizers through a sustainable and innovative process. This process involves creating “artificial lightning” to break down nitrogen from the air, which is then combined with rainwater to form nitrate, a natural fertilizer. This method is inspired by the natural process where lightning breaks atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates that nourish the soil.

Nitricity’s approach aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional nitrogen fertilizer production methods, such as the Haber-Bosch process, which is energy-intensive and relies heavily on fossil fuels. The investment aligns with Chipotle’s sustainability goals and commitment to enhancing food integrity throughout its supply chain.

By incorporating Nitricity’s climate-smart fertilizer into its agricultural practices, Chipotle aims to support more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.

The Meati Foods investment enhances Chipotle’s menu with sustainable plant-based protein options that are aligned with its Food with Integrity standards. Using a fermentation-based process, Meati develops alternative proteins derived from mushroom roots, specifically mycelium. This method results in products that mimic chicken and steak in texture, flavor, high protein, high fiber, and no cholesterol.

Cultivated indoors, Meati Foods ensures its products are grown clean and free from common agricultural contaminants. Through the “Eat Meati” brand, the company is committed to offering nutritious, whole-food options that are environmentally friendly.

Zero Acre Farms is a food company focused on healthy, sustainable oils and fats that is on a mission to end the food industry’s dependence on vegetable oils. The company has introduced a new category of healthy oils and fats made by fermentation that are more environmentally friendly. Chipotle is in the early trials of testing Zero Acre Farms at its Cultivate Center test kitchen in Irvine, California.

Industry Players Invest in Fast Food’s Future

Several other fast-food companies invest significantly in food innovations, leveraging technology to address global challenges such as food security, affordability, and safety. These companies are exploring various technologies, including artificial intelligence, robotics, sustainable packaging, plant-based alternatives, and blockchain for supply chain transparency.

Here’s a list of notable players alongside Chipotle that are actively investing in the future of food:

  • McDonald’s is incorporating AI learning into its operations, making strides in the alternative packaging space, providing plant-based options, and investing in improved supply chain technologies—all ways that they are investing in and prioritizing health and sustainability.
  • KFC is experimenting with 3D bioprinting technology to create lab-grown chicken nuggets to offer more sustainable and ethical meat options.
  • Domino’s Pizza uses drones and autonomous vehicles to reduce delivery times and costs.
  • Burger King focuses on sustainability through initiatives like reducing greenhouse gas emissions and offering plant-based burger options like the Impossible Whopper, made from soy leghemoglobin, the same ingredient in the Impossible Burger, to cater to a broader range of dietary preferences.
  • Starbucks invests in sustainable practices, including efforts to reduce waste and water use. It is also exploring plant-based menu items to provide more environmentally friendly and healthier options.
  • Wendy’s utilizes food safety and quality assurance technology, implementing advanced tracking and monitoring systems in its supply chain.
  • Taco Bell is innovating its menu to include vegetarian and low-impact food options, aiming to make the fast-food industry more inclusive and sustainable.

Impact of Innovations on Food System

Why should we care about the investments these companies are making? The impact spreads far beyond the decision of “what’s for lunch today” and will untimely touch our children’s and their children’s lives.

Food Security: Innovations, especially in plant-based proteins and lab-grown meats, can significantly contribute to food security by providing alternative sources of nutrition, ensuring a stable food supply in the face of growing global demand and environmental challenges.

Affordability: Automation and AI in food preparation and delivery can lower operational costs, potentially making food more affordable for consumers. These companies can offer competitive pricing while maintaining quality by optimizing supply chains and reducing waste through better inventory management.

Safety: Technological advancements such as blockchain for transparent supply chains and AI for monitoring food quality can enhance food safety. These technologies allow for better tracking of ingredients from farm to table, ensuring that food meets health standards and reducing the risk of contamination and foodborne illnesses.

Answering a Call-to-Action by Consumers

These investments also answer a call from consumers, who, in recent years, have put the majority of the onus on food companies to lead the way for positive change. Today’s consumers are increasingly conscious of their food choices’ health, environmental, and social impacts. This heightened awareness drives demand for healthier, more sustainable, affordable food options. Consequently, consumers rely on food companies to make significant investments and changes to meet these expectations.

Consumers are seeking convenient, nutritious options tailored to various dietary needs, such as low-calorie, low-fat, plant-based, and allergen-free options. They expect food companies to innovate to reduce the use of artificial ingredients, preservatives, and high sugars and fats without compromising taste or affordability.

There’s also a growing demand for food produced in an environmentally friendly and ethically responsible manner. Consumers are looking for companies that invest in sustainable agriculture practices, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize water usage, and ensure animal welfare. They are also increasingly interested in local sourcing and reducing food miles. Moreover, sustainable packaging solutions to reduce plastic waste are critical to consumer choices.

While consumers strongly desire healthier and more sustainable food options, they also demand affordability. The challenge for food companies is to balance the cost of implementing innovative and sustainable practices with the need to keep prices accessible to a broad audience. This requires efficient production and distribution practices and, sometimes, rethinking entire supply chains to maintain competitive pricing.

To build and maintain consumer trust, food companies must be transparent about their practices, including sourcing, ingredient lists, nutritional information, and environmental impacts. Technology, such as blockchain, often facilitates this transparency by tracing the journey of food from farm to table, assuring consumers of the quality and safety of their food.

In response to these consumer expectations, food companies increasingly invest in research and development to create new products that meet these criteria. Companies like Chipotle are adopting innovative technologies to improve food production efficiency, exploring alternative ingredients to make their products healthier and more sustainable, and reevaluating their supply chains to increase transparency and reduce environmental impact.

These investments are not only a response to consumer demand but also an acknowledgment of food companies’ role in addressing global challenges like climate change, health issues, and food security. By aligning their strategies with consumer expectations, food companies can ensure long-term viability and contribute to a more sustainable and healthy food system.

Why are foods with sugar & fat so irresistible?

You know those moments when you’re faced with a gooey chocolate chip cookie or a crispy slice of bacon, and it feels like your brain is staging a full-blown rebellion against your dieting efforts? Well, it turns out there’s some fascinating science behind why these irresistible foods have a hypnotic hold over us.

Picture your brain as a bustling city with a network of roads. Now, imagine the flow of traffic on these roads is the signals sent by your gut, specifically, the vagus nerve. This nerve is like the messenger between your tummy and your brain, and its job is to tell your brain what’s going on in your belly.

For the longest time, scientists were like detectives trying to crack the case of why we’re so drawn to unhealthy foods. They were on a mission to discover the secret behind our food cravings. But the real puzzle was this: why do our brains go crazy over fats and sugars, especially when they team up in delightful duos like donuts or cookies?

What does new research reveal?

In the February 2024 issue of the Monell Chemical Senses Center‘s Cell Metabolism Journal, a team of scientists unraveled this culinary enigma. They discovered that it all starts in our gut, not in our taste buds.

You see, there are dedicated pathways in our vagus nerve for various things, including a pathway for fats and another for sugars, that act like separate lanes on that culinary highway we talked about. When you munch on something fatty, the fat pathway lights up like a neon sign in Las Vegas, and when you indulge in something sweet, the sugar pathway does a little happy dance.

Now, here’s where it gets even more interesting. Imagine these pathways as two separate party invitations: one for fats and another for sugars. When you’re at a party, you’re having fun, right? Well, our brain is no different. It enjoys these food parties, too. But here’s the kicker – when you combine fats and sugars, it’s like sending out a double invitation to the brain’s ultimate party central.

These two pathways join forces, and your brain responds with a surge of dopamine, the pleasure chemical, making you want more of that irresistible combo.

So, what does all of this mean for your eating habits? Well, your brain can be secretly wired to seek out these high-fat, high-sugar combos, even when you’re consciously trying stay away from these foods.


It’s like your gut has a sneaky food agenda, and it’s operating undercover.

But don’t despair! There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The scientists behind this discovery believe that understanding this gut-brain connection could lead to some pretty cool strategies and treatments. By tinkering with these pathways, we might have a shot at making healthier food choices, even in the face of those devilishly tempting treats.

So, the next time you find yourself eyeing that mouthwatering chocolate cake, remember: it’s not just about will power; it’s a brain party happening on a microscopic level. And while the battle between your taste buds and your brain rages on, science is on the case, working to help you make healthier choices without sacrificing all the delicious fun.

Issues with overindulging

Overindulging in foods rich in sugar and unhealthy fats can have serious health consequences. One of the most immediate risks is weight gain, as these foods are often calorie-dense.

Weight gain can contribute to obesity, a significant risk factor for various health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Liver health can be compromised by high sugar intake, particularly fructose found in common sweeteners like table sugar and high fructose corn syrup. This can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which may progress to more severe liver problems.

Mental health can also be impacted, as sugar and fat-rich diets can cause mood swings, irritability, and even symptoms of depression.

Inflammation is another concern associated with these diets, contributing to conditions like arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and a heightened risk of certain cancers.

Dental health is affected by excess sugar consumption, as it provides a breeding ground for bacteria in the mouth that produce acids, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.

Additionally, excessive sugar intake can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, potentially leading to digestive problems.

Tips to combat The Urge

While the scientific discoveries about our brain’s response to fats and sugars are fascinating, you don’t have to surrender to your cravings. Here are some practical tips to help you combat the effects of these food temptations:

Be Mindful of Portions

  • Instead of completely avoiding your favorite treats, practice portion control. Enjoy a small piece of that chocolate or a single bite of your favorite high-fat snack. Savor the flavor without going overboard.

Diversify Your Diet

  • Make sure your meals are balanced and include a variety of foods. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your daily meals. This can help reduce the intensity of your cravings for high-fat, high-sugar items.

Stay Hydrated

  • Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Before reaching for that sugary or fatty snack, have a glass of water. Staying hydrated can help reduce cravings.

Plan Your Indulgences

  • Designate specific times or days when you’ll allow yourself to enjoy your favorite treats. Knowing that you have a treat coming up can make it easier to resist spontaneous cravings.

Keep Temptations Out of Sight

  • If you have a weakness for certain foods, try not to keep them readily accessible at home or in your workspace. Out of sight, out of mind!

Get Moving

  • Exercise can boost your mood and reduce cravings. So, when you’re hit with a craving, take a brisk walk or do a quick workout to distract your mind.

Mindful Eating

  • Pay attention to what you’re eating and savor every bite. Eating mindfully can help you enjoy your meals more fully and prevent overindulgence.

Healthy Alternatives

  • Seek out healthier alternatives to satisfy your cravings. For example, if you’re craving something sweet, opt for fresh fruit or a small piece of dark chocolate. If you’re craving something savory, try air-popped popcorn instead of chips.

Seek Support

  • If you find it challenging to control your cravings, consider seeking support from a registered dietitian, therapist, or support group. They can provide strategies and encouragement tailored to your specific needs.

Remember, you’re not alone in facing these cravings, and it’s entirely possible to make healthier choices without depriving yourself completely. By incorporating these tips and staying mindful of your eating habits, you can combat the effects of the brain’s love for fats and sugars while still enjoying the pleasures of good food. It’s all about finding that tasty balance!

Could Ozempic Ignite Food’s Healthier Future?

Today, the weight loss drugs highlight a consumer movement against processed and ultra-processed foods. These foods have added ingredients such as sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and artificial colors that provide no nutritional value…except great taste.

Eaten as an indulgence, they are not terrible. But, unfortunately, many people indulge in these treats as a dietary staple.

The Search for Nutrition

Consumers today are looking for nutritious foods. Foods that not only treat existing diseases but prevent ones from appearing. Foods that help you manage your health and help you age gracefully, with ‘food as medicine’  the sought-after goal.

Innova Market Insights identified nutritional value and balanced nutrition, along with naturalness are important for consumers.

Ingredients containing protein, Omega-3, fiber, vitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, and even esoteric mushrooms such as ashwagandha and lion’s mane are high in demand. Mintel also identified a changing attitude toward extending life in good health.

How GLP-1 Drugs Affect Our Diet

Further fueling demand for a healthier, more nutritious diet are among those taking a new class of prescription drugs: GLP-1 agonists. These medications, like Ozempic and Wegovy, help lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.

Morgan Stanley’s research survey of 300 patients taking a GLP-1 agonist found that these drugs reduced their daily appetite by 20-30 percent. They lost their appetite for candy, sugary drinks, and baked goods, creating room for adding healthy foods to their diet.

Especially as those on the GLP-1 drugs are not that hungry and might not meet the full 2,000-calorie minimal daily requirement, it is essential that what they do eat in a day provides their full complement of minerals and vitamins.

As the obesity epidemic continues to rise, so will the associated health issues such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and fatty liver disease.

Today, about 69 percent, or 178 million adults, are either overweight or obese. Adult obesity is at 42.4 percent and is expected to climb to 50 percent in just six years.

GLP-1 drugs seem to hold the answer to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Morgan Stanley estimated that 7 percent of the U.S. population will be take GLP-1 medications by 2035. This equates to a potential $44 billion market by 2030.

Will Food Sales Decline? 

Grocers and consumer products companies worry about the future if more and more people are cutting 20-30% of their calories out of their diet.

In the fall of 2023, Walmart announced that it had seen a slight drop in food demand due to appetite-suppressing medications. It might be too soon to tell given that there is such a small percentage of the population on these weight loss programs, but as the numbers increase, how will CPG companies prepare?

However, CPG companies and grocers can benefit from this trend; consumers don’t have to be hurt by purchasing less food. Of course, if everyone ate more fruits and vegetables and fewer cookies, then obesity would not be an issue.

At D2D, we have written about changing one’s diet, but it is hard. What you eat is what you crave. Can anything be done to meet our nutritional needs while sating our  tastebuds?

How about a Healthy Oreo?

There are over 14 unique Oreos to choose from, with ‘Double Stuff’ being our favorite, mostly because it is reminiscent of our childhood.

But sadly, there is no benefit to eating these every day. Despite their great taste, they have no nutritional value, 12 grams of sugar, and 150 calories for just two cookies. They would be considered an indulgence and not a ‘food’.

What if the Oreo had the same basic ingredients but with added health benefits?

What if the creamy filling included Omega 3s for heart health, and fiber in the cookie for lowering cholesterol, aiding gut health, and reducing the risk of heart disease? Some vitamins like D3 could be added as an extra immune benefit. Instead of sugar, there could be stevia to keep the taste.

The mouthfeel and taste that any saturated fat provides could be replaced by an alternative fat from a plant oil called Epogee.

To be fair, in 2021, Mondelez did try to launch the Oreo Zero in China. Instead of sugar, they used sucrose and glucose, which gave a different taste from the original Oreo. They chose China because those consumers like less sugar in their snacks. Needless to say, it was not a success. Some of you readers might remember the backlash against the ‘New Coke’ in 1985. A change in the 99-year formula was a complete flop because Coca-Cola lovers liked the ‘Real Thing’.

How can CPG Companies Benefit? 

But are CPG companies ready to make such big changes? Already, many are starting to address their concerns about the potential for declining food consumption.

According to Food Dive, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have introduced small cans in response to consumers cutting back on sugar. Also, snack companies have created 100-calorie small snacks. Some have reduced salt and others have reformulated their products for added nutrition. But is it the right answer?

CPG companies have a range of opportunities to create healthier products. These changes can have meaningful impacts on consumer health.

How can the pharmaceutical industry influence the snack industry?

Healthier Product Formulations:

  • CPG companies can reformulate existing snacks to align with healthier profiles. For instance, reducing added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium content.
  • Whole grains, fiber, and protein can be added in to create more satisfying and nutritious snacks.
  • CPG companies can focus on nutrient-dense options that provide sustained energy.

Functional Ingredients:

  • Incorporating functional ingredients like prebiotics, probiotics, Omega-3, turmeric, and additional antioxidants can enhance the nutritional value of snacks.
  • GLP-1 users may want to seek snacks that support gut health and overall well-being.

Portion Control and Mindful Snacking:

  • Ozempic’s appetite-suppressing effects may encourage consumers to eat smaller portions.
  • CPG companies can develop snack packs with smaller, healthier portions, promoting mindful eating.
  • GLP-1’s impact on cravings could lead to decreased consumption of empty-calorie snacks (e.g., sugary treats).

Marketing Strategies:

  • Highlighting diabetes-friendly, weight-conscious, or blood sugar-friendly snacks can resonate with GLP-1 users.
  • Transparent labeling and clear health benefits can attract health-conscious consumers.

Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals:

  • CPG companies can collaborate with healthcare providers to educate consumers about healthier snack choices.
  • Ozempic users may appreciate guidance on suitable snacks to complement their treatment.

Are we what we eat? A Netflix film thinks so…

Netflix’s “You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment,” directed by the acclaimed Louie Psihoyos, presents a look at the effects of diet on health through the unique lens of an 8-week ‘controlled’ study by Stanford University. The documentary series, released in January 2024, unfolds the intriguing findings from an experiment involving 22 sets of genetically identical twins.

The overarching message of the series is that ‘meat is bad for you, and plants are good for you’, as is seemingly made evident by Dr. Christopher D. Gardner, Ph.D., the study’s author and principal investigator. However, a closer examination of the study uncovers limitations and concerns.

The study’s premise was straightforward: each twin was assigned a different diet—one vegan, one omnivore—both seemingly balanced and nutritious. Initially, the twins received pre-prepared meals to ensure dietary adherence, followed by a transition to self-prepared meals for practical application. Commentators then chime in to provide additional insights based on their expertise, including NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Senator Cory Booker, Dr. Michael Greger, and Marion Nestle.

Considering Overall Health

We agree that a diet rich in fresh produce and limited in red meat is certainly the way to go!

But before you jump into all vegan diet, consider some of the drawbacks and how to manage them.  This film entices you to become a vegan because the twin that eliminated meat showed significant outcomes: a 10% to 15% decrease in LDL cholesterol, a 25% reduction in insulin levels, and a 3% weight loss—all achieved through whole, plant-based foods without any animal products. Conversely, those on the omnivore diet showed no significant health benefits.

While the vegan group experienced positive changes in their LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and weight loss, they also had negative changes in HDL cholesterol (the good one) and triglycerides (bad fat).  High triglycerides may contribute to the hardening of the arteries or thickening of the artery wall, therefore, contributing to heart disease.

Furthermore, the oversight of potential risks associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency in the documentary is a significant concern. Vegetarians need to take a B12 supplement to make sure they have enough of this crucial nutrient for their overall health, particularly for the proper functioning of our nervous system and the production of red blood cells.

Additionally, the documentary‘s observation that the weight loss in the vegan group primarily consisted of muscle loss raises concerns about the impact of unbalanced weight loss strategies.

Losing muscle mass during weight loss is generally undesirable because muscle tissue plays a crucial role in metabolism, physical strength, and overall well-being.

Muscles help burn calories and support daily activities, and their loss can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight.

Another noteworthy concern is its feasibility as a long-term diet. Most participants in this study reported lower dietary satisfaction with a vegan diet suggests that long-term adherence to such a diet may be challenging for many individuals. This aspect challenges the feasibility and practicality of adopting a vegan lifestyle for a substantial portion of the population.

If you’re interested in adopting a better way of eating that eschews the potential bias, the study’s limitations, potential deficiency risks, and the challenges associated with long-term dietary adherence, consider The Mediterranean Diet. This tried and true eating style has the most peer-reviewed research showing its positive effects towards living a long and healthful life.

And should you want your diet to factor in particular health concerns, consider researching epigenetics. This is the study of how your behaviors and your environment can cause changes in how your body reads your DNA.

Ideological Issues

There are plenty of healthy vegans, so that is not the issue.  It seems as though those affiliated with the documentary is using diet to make a political stance on meat.

This becomes evident when we consider the affiliations of Dr. Gardner one of the study authors, who is connected to Beyond Meat, a prominent producer of plant-based meat alternatives. While financial conflicts of interest were disclosed in the study, there is also a strong conviction in promoting a plant-based diet.

The film also focuses on animal welfare concerns associated with meat production but fails to address issues related to growing our food.  Every single bite we take has its own, including labor issues, pesticide concerns, and water usage, to name a few.

By solely emphasizing animal rights, the documentary neglects broader ethical and environmental considerations in our food system that span to crops and plant-based diet foodstuffs as well.  This documentary falls into the same category as so many others.

Not The First…and Certainly Not The Last

Consumers are often drawn to exciting and visually compelling documentaries about food, especially when they promise groundbreaking revelations about nutrition and health.

These documentaries can be engaging, emotionally charged, and persuasive, making them highly effective in shaping public opinion. However, it’s important for consumers to recognize that these films are often crafted with a specific agenda or perspective in mind and overlook some core components.

While documentaries can provide valuable insights into various aspects of our food system, they should not be the sole source of information when it comes to making important dietary decisions. Here’s why consumers should exercise caution and seek factual resources for nutrition information:

To make informed decisions about nutrition, consumers should seek out a variety of reputable, evidence-based resources. These can include peer-reviewed scientific journals, registered dietitians or nutritionists, government health agencies, and academic institutions specializing in nutrition and health research.

By consulting a range of sources and critically evaluating information, consumers can make dietary choices that are based on a well-rounded understanding of nutrition rather than being swayed solely by the excitement of a compelling documentary.

How to live to 100…and beyond

The concept and research surrounding Blue Zones originated years ago from the work of Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow and explorer, along with a team of demographers and researchers. The journey to identify and understand these unique areas began with a demographic and geographic study of regions with unusually high numbers of centenarians and low rates of chronic diseases.

Origins of these Demographic Studies

The concept can be traced back to the early 2000s when demographers Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain identified a region in Sardinia, Italy with an unusually high number of people living to 100 and beyond, called centenarians. They marked these areas with blue ink on a map, which led to the term “Blue Zone.” Dan Buettner, in collaboration with National Geographic and with funding from the National Institute on Aging, took the concept further. He assembled a team of scientists and researchers identify other areas in the world with similar characteristics.

Through this extensive fieldwork, data analysis, and interviews, Buettner and his team identified additional regions that met their criteria for longevity hotspots. These included Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece in addition to the initial region in Sardinia. The team focused on areas with high longevity rates, low incidence of heart disease and other chronic illnesses, and a high proportion of healthy elderly individuals.

Buettner’s work and the concept of Blue Zones were popularized through a National Geographic cover story in 2005 titled “Secrets of a Long Life.” He went on to author several books on the topic, including “The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest,” where he detailed the lifestyles, diets, and practices of people living in these zones.

As you can imagine given this intriguing research, Blue Zones sparked a significant interest in longevity studies. Buettner and his team continued their work, turning the focus towards applying the lessons from Blue Zones to communities and cities around the world.

Key Contributions and Impact

The research in the documentary highlighted the importance of lifestyle factors, such as diet, physical activity, social engagement, and stress management, in promoting longevity and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Buettner and his organization have worked on initiatives to help transform cities and communities in the United States, applying principles from the Blue Zones to improve public health and wellness.

The research on Blue Zones represents a groundbreaking approach to understanding longevity, emphasizing the role of environmental and lifestyle factors in shaping health outcomes. As we often write and research about here at Dirt to Dinner, it is about both mind and body health.

How can I live to be a Centenarian?

These centenarians didn’t just start these habits at age 80, this lifestyle has been an integral part of their entire life. Improving our health now in all these aspects of daily living will affect our health as we age.

Dietary Practices: Foundation of Health and Longevity

  • A diverse range of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, forms the bedrock of daily nutrition
  • Meat is consumed in significantly smaller quantities, often as a small side or a special occasion dish, rather than a daily staple
  • Emphasis is placed on eating foods that are local and seasonal, thus ensuring that meals are fresh and nutrient-rich
  • Concepts like “Hara Hachi Bu” in Okinawa, advocates for eating until one is 80% full, exemplify mindfulness in eating habits

Seamless Integration of Physical Activity

  • Unlike the structured exercise routines common in many cultures, physical activity in Blue Zones is seamlessly woven into daily life and includes walking, gardening, and performing household and occupational tasks that require physical exertion
  • These activities are adaptable and can be sustained throughout life, suitable for a wide range of ages and physical capabilities

Work-Life and Family Balance: A Harmonious Blend

  • There is a cultural disposition towards maintaining a healthy balance between work, family, and leisure, contributing to overall well-being
  • Strong familial ties and active participation in community life centers around multi-generational living and community-centric lifestyles
  • These cultures place a lower emphasis on work-related stress and prioritize leisure and rest, including practices like napping and socializing

Reduced Dependence on Technology and Digital Media

  • Populations in Blue Zone areas prefer real-world interactions
  • Residents talk to each other in person, thus fosters deeper personal connections and community involvement

The Vital Role of Social Networks and Community

  • Strong social ties, encompassing family, friends, and broader community networks provide both emotional support and practical assistance
  • Regular social events, be it communal meals, religious ceremonies, or local festivities, are central to maintaining and strengthening community bonds
  • The depth and quality of these social connections play a significant role in emotional well-being, fostering a sense of belonging, happiness, and security

How to Start Today

The examination of Blue Zones in the recent documentary offers profound insights into the symbiotic relationship between lifestyle, environment, diet, physical activity, and social connections in fostering longevity.

By understanding and integrating these principles, individuals, and communities worldwide can adopt practices that not only extend lifespan, but also significantly enhance the quality of life during those years.

Achieving this delicate balance can seem overwhelming and near impossible. Take it in chunks. Work on one or two things at a time.

  • Get your diet in a good place and work on adopting a Mediterranean-type diet.
  • Follow that up with good physical activity but allow yourself time for rest and recharging with loved ones.
  • Work-life balance in our modern culture is always a struggle, something that many of the Blue Zones don’t face to the same degree as those in metro areas, for example, or those who have demanding roles; just be cognizant of where you spend your mental energy.
  • Do you control your use of technology? Reduce your phone and social media use. Call up or visit with a friend or family member rather than texting them.  Even Instagram and Facebook are not really warm connection points. They take you out of the present, and can often cause unneeded stress.

Transcript: What Does it Mean to be Healthy?

This podcast is based on this post

All right, welcome back everyone. Ready for another deep dive?

Definitely always up for a good deep dive.

Awesome. So, today we’re tackling something that feels, I don’t know, super basic, but also kind of mysterious.

Oh, like why?

Health. I mean, we all want it obviously. But what does it actually mean to be healthy? It’s a big question.

It really is. And it gets even more complicated when you think about this. Uh the US spends something like $5 trillion every year on healthcare.

Crazy, right? But are we really the healthiest nation out there? I’m not so sure.

Right. You’d think with all that spending, we’d be like the gold standard of health, which is exactly why this article, uh, what is health totally caught my eye. That one too is pretty interesting.

Goes way beyond just eating your veggies and hitting the gym. You know, it even suggests there are some like unexpected ways to measure how healthy we are.

Yeah. And that’s important because even people who seem to be doing all the right things can still have health issues. So, what’s this article say? Is it like whole lifestyle thing?

That’s exactly it. It’s like health as a way of life, a mindset almost.

And get this, it uses these three kind of unusual measurements to get a more complete picture.

Oh, okay. I’m intrigued. What are they? Laid on me.

All right, get ready. V2 max, grip strength, and the sit and rise test.

Hm, interesting. Some of those ring a bell, but honestly, can those really tell us how healthy we are? Like really?

That’s what I was wondering, too. So, let’s break them down one by one. Maybe we’ll be surprised. Starting with V2 max. Any idea what that even is?

V2 max. Well, basically, it measures how much oxygen your body can use when you’re exercising. Like really pushing yourself.

So, like how efficiently your lungs and heart are working together.

Exactly. The more oxygen you can use, the better shape your heart and lungs are in. And studies have shown that a higher V2 max is actually linked to, well, living longer. The article mentioned this one study that followed over a 100,000 people. And guess what? Those with higher V2 max scores had a lower risk of dying.

Wow. Okay, now you’ve got my attention.

So, how do you even measure this V2 max thing? Do you have to like go to a lab and run on a treadmill with tubes and stuff?

Well, yeah, that is the most accurate way. You’re right. But some fitness trackers are getting pretty good at estimating it these days, too. And the really cool part, you can actually work on improving your V2 max.

Oh, for real? I’m all ears. How do you do that?

High intensity interval training or HIIT is one of the best ways. You know those workouts where you’re going all out for short bursts and then you get a little break.

Oh, yeah. I’ve heard about those. They sound intense. But what makes them so good for V2 max specifically?

Well, because they push your cardiovascular system to the max. Literally. Like boot camp for your heart and lungs. makes them stronger and more efficient. And get this, there’s research that suggests HIIT can even help your brain function, too.

Seriously, that’s wild. Okay, I am definitely intrigued by this whole V2 max thing now. All right, let’s move on to the next one. This uh grip strength measurement. This one honestly has me a little stumped. How how strong your grip is tell you anything about your overall health? It just seems so random.

I know it does seem a bit out there at first glance, right? But grip strength can actually tell you a lot about your muscle mass and strength, particularly in your upper body.

And think about it, we use our grip for so many things. Like carrying groceries, opening jars, you know, even just shaking someone’s hand.

Yeah. We totally take it for granted.

Exactly. And this is where it gets really interesting. Some studies have actually linked a decline in grip strength to an increased risk of health problems as we age.

Like what kind of problems?

Things like heart disease and even some types of cancer, believe it or not.

Whoa. Okay. Okay. I did not see that coming. I guess weaker grip strength could be a sign that someone’s maybe not as active or they’re losing muscle mass which could lead to all sorts of other issues. Right. Exactly. It really shows how different aspects of our health are all connected in ways we might not even realize. Oh, and the article even gives some like target numbers for grip strength based on your age. For example, they say a 40-year-old woman should be able to hang from a bar for like a minute and a half.

A minute and a half. I don’t even know if I could do that. All right. This deep dive is making me want to hit the gym like right now. Okay, so you’ve got one more measurement to cover, right? The sit and rise test. What is that exactly and how does that relate to health?

Okay, so it’s actually a pretty simple test. You just sit down on the floor and then stand back up. The catch is you can’t use your hands or arms to help you.

I feel like that would be easy for some people and really tough for others. What makes it so important?

Well, it’s a really good way to assess your mobility and flexibility, which are super important for, you know, staying independent and pre ending falls as we get older. And there was this study, it’s mentioned in the article, that found something pretty amazing. People who had trouble with the sit and rise test actually had lower survival rates over time.

So, being able to move around easily is actually linked to a longer life.

That really makes you think about all the time we spend like sitting at desks and looking at screens.

Does, doesn’t it? This test is kind of like a sneak peek into your overall uh what’s the word? Muscular skeletal health. It shows how well you’ll be able to get around as you get older. And speaking of aging, the article brings up this really big question. How do we age well and stay healthy for as long as possible?

That is the million dollar question, isn’t it? And I’m guessing this article suggests that these measurements can help us do just that.

You got it. It’s all about getting a more complete picture of our health beyond just like weight or blood pressure. But it also points out that health isn’t just about the physical stuff. Our mental and emotional well-being play a huge role too.

That’s true. I mean, you can be physically fit but still struggle with things like stress or anxiety. So, how does the article address that side of things?

Well, it really emphasizes, you know, having a positive mindset, managing stress,

and having those good social connections. It even suggests those things can help boost your immune system, you know, protect you from chronic diseases and all that.

Wow. Really? So, it’s not just what you eat and how much you exercise. It’s about how you think and how you connect with other people too.

Exactly. It’s all connected, right? Physical, mental, emotional. You can’t really separate them.

It’s like a holistic view of health, taking care of the whole person.

Exactly. And that kind of brings us back to those three measurements we were talking about. They’re a good way to like check in with your physical health and maybe see where you can improve, you know.

Okay. I like that. So, let’s get practical for a minute. If someone wants to, you know, boost their scores on those measurements, where should they start?

Well, with V2 max, remember that’s all about how well your body uses oxygen during exercise. And like we said earlier, high intensity interval training, that HIIT stuff can be a real gamechanger.

But for someone who’s never done HIIT before, it seem a little daunting. Any tips for easing into it?

Absolutely. You don’t have to go all out right away. Start with like a shorter workout, maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and slowly increase the intensity and how long you do it as you get more fit. And you can always modify the exercises too.

Like instead of sprinting, maybe you do a fast walk or a light jog.

Right. Right. So, it’s all about finding that starting point that’s challenging but not like impossible and then just pushing yourself a little further each time.

Exactly. And listen to your body. Don’t be afraid to take rest days when you need them.

Good advice. Now, what about grip strength? How can we, you know, pump up those numbers?

There are a few easy exercises that can really make a difference like the dead hang. You just find a bar or something you can grip comfortably and hang there as long as you can. Oh,

Okay. Sounds simple enough.

It is, but trust me, it’s a great workout for your forearms and grip.

How long should someone aim to hang for?

Start with what you can do. Maybe like 10 or 15 seconds and then gradually increase the time. And you can also try different grips like overhand, underhand. Just mix it up a little.

Yeah, variety is the spice of life even when you’re hanging from a bar. Any other exercises?

Farmers carries are another Another great one, farmer’s carries.

What’s that?

It’s just like it sounds. Pick up a weight in each hand and walk with it. You can use dumbbells, kettle bells, even heavy grocery bags if you want. And it works your grip, but also your core, shoulders, back, even helps with your posture.

I’m definitely adding farmers carries to my workout routine. All right, last but not least, the sit and rise test. That one seems like it’s all about flexibility and mobility, right? Any tips for improving in those areas.

Yoga and Pilates are both great for that. Lots of movements that challenge your balance and flexibility and all that.

Yeah, I’ve tried yoga before and I always feel so much better afterward, but it can be intimidating for beginners. What would you say to someone who wants to try it but doesn’t know where to start?

Oh, there are so many beginner friendly classes these days. You can even find videos online that are specifically for the sit and rise test.

And you don’t have to be a yoga master to benefit either. Just taking a few minutes each day to stretch can make a huge difference.

So, it’s all about finding what works for you and making it a regular part of your routine.

Exactly. And that actually brings up a really important point from all of this. You don’t have to make these big crazy changes to live a healthier life, right?

It’s about those small sustainable changes. You know, the little things you can actually stick with and building those habits over time.

Yeah, that’s really encouraging. So, we’ve covered the physical side of things pretty well, but the article also talked about mental and emotional well being. any practical tips for you know taking care of those aspects of health?

One of the simplest things but also one of the most powerful is mindfulness like meditation, deep breathing, even just taking a few minutes to appreciate the little things that can help reduce stress so much and it’s good for your overall well-being.

Oh yeah. Just slowing down and being present in the moment.

Exactly. And another big thing for mental and emotional health is nurturing your social connections, spending time with people you care about. Having meaningful conversations, being part of a supportive community, that can make a huge difference in how happy and resilient you are.

That makes sense, but it’s easy to let those connections slip, especially when life gets busy. Any tips for strengthening those social ties?

Just make an effort to reach out to people, even if it’s just a quick call or text. Join a club or group that interests you. Volunteer. There are tons of ways to connect with others.

Those are great ideas. So, we’ve covered a lot in this deep dive. We’ve talked about those surp rising measurements of health. We’ve discussed practical strategies for improving our physical and mental well-being and we’ve highlighted that, you know, holistic approach. What’s the main takeaway you want listeners to walk away with?

It’s about realizing that health isn’t like, you know, it’s not a finish line you cross. It’s a journey. It’s something you keep working on.

It really is. And it’s different for everyone. There’s no one right way to be healthy.

Exactly. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about finding what works for you. Making choices that make you feel feel good, you know, in every way.

Totally. It’s about pushing yourself, but also being kind to yourself along the way.

Yeah, for sure. And remembering that health is about so much more than how you look. It’s about how you feel physically, mentally, emotionally. It’s about having the energy to do the things you love.

It’s about feeling alive, right? Having that spark. And I think those three measurements, the V2 max, grip strength, sit and rise test, they can really help us see where we’re at on that journey.

Totally. They give us something concrete to track. But it’s not about obsessing over the number. numbers. It’s about using them as a guide to help us live better lives, healthier, and happier.

That makes a lot of sense. Until next time, everyone, stay curious.

Can a diet mimic Ozempic’s results?

In the realm of health and wellness, a remarkable medication named Ozempic has dramatically transformed the lives of many individuals struggling with type 2 diabetes and obesity.

What is Ozempic, anyway?

Ozempic, containing the active ingredient semaglutide, made waves in the healthcare community initially in 2017 when the FDA approved it for managing blood sugar levels in conjunction with diet and exercise. But it has become a cultural tsunami this past year (especially on social media) as more non-diabetics have been seeking its myriad health-related benefits.

The benefits are now appreciated by both patients and healthcare professionals. This injectable medication works by mimicking the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) hormone, which plays a pivotal role in regulating blood sugars, slowing stomach emptying, curbing appetite, and improving heart problems (possibly preventing heart attack and stroke).

However, while medications like this are sometimes necessary, many individuals could achieve similar health outcomes by focusing on a strategic diet, emphasizing foods that naturally regulate blood sugar levels, reduce hunger, and promote weight loss. By eating the right foods, you can still have the “I’m full” effect of Ozempic and the benefits of getting the proper nutrients for your lifestyle.

As the adage goes, “Let food be thy medicine.

Harnessing the Power of Low-Glycemic Foods

Understanding the glycemic index (GI) of foods is paramount. Low-GI foods facilitate gradual blood sugar increases, mimicking Ozempic’s blood glucose-stabilizing effect. Integrating these foods into your diet means you’re investing in a spectrum of benefits that support your metabolic health.

Whole grains are a cornerstone here. Options like quinoa, barley, and steel-cut oats should be regulars on your grocery list. Consider servings of about a half-cup of cooked grains at mealtimes enough to reap the benefits without excessive calorie intake.

Incorporating legumes is also wise; foods like lentils, chickpeas, and various beans not only stabilize blood sugar but are also rich in proteins and micronutrients. A standard portion would be approximately a half-cup cooked, balancing blood sugar management and satiety.

Fruits, while often sweet, can also be low-GI superstars. Berries, cherries, and apples come with the added bonus of vital antioxidants and vitamins. A typical serving could be one small apple or a cup of berries, perfect for a snack or dessert without causing a sugar spike.

Integrating these foods into your daily meals, in addition to having a half-cup of cooked quinoa or incorporating legumes into your salads, can contribute to the slow and steady absorption of carbohydrates, akin to the metabolic balance that Ozempic promotes.

The Satiating Effect of Dietary Fiber

If you’re aiming to naturally replicate the appetite-reducing effect of Ozempic, dietary fiber is your ally. High-fiber foods add bulk to your diet and slow digestion, which can fend off hunger pangs.

Vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and carrots — and fruits like pears and apples — are high in fiber.  Whole grains and legumes also join this list, offering twice the benefits with their low GI and high fiber content.

Consuming these not only helps with digestion but also keeps you full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Adults should aim for at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, spread across all meals. In practical terms, this could be about two cups of mixed leafy vegetables, a medium-sized pear, or a half-cup of cooked, high-fiber grains like barley.

Don’t forget about seeds such as chia or flaxseeds, either. Just one tablespoon can provide about 5 to 6 grams of fiber. These are easy to sprinkle over salads and yogurts, or incorporated into baked goods, allowing for a fiber boost without a significant increase in food volume.

One of my favorite daily high-fiber meals is creating a colorful salad loaded with leafy greens, chopped carrots, and sprinkled with a handful of beans. Try this out and you’ll be introducing a meal into your routine that keeps you fuller for longer, potentially reducing overall calorie intake, much like the weight management benefit observed with Ozempic use.

Proteins & Fats: Allies in Weight Management

Proteins and healthy fats, while fundamental for various bodily functions, also play a direct role in weight management, metabolic regulation and satiety. Lean proteins like chicken breast, fish, and tofu should be staples in your diet. A 3- to 4-ounce serving of these proteins at meals — roughly the size of your palm — is generally adequate to support muscle maintenance, especially important as you lose weight. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and walnuts, improve insulin sensitivity, an effect beneficial for type 2 diabetes management.

Healthy fats, also found in foods like avocados, nuts, and olives, contribute to a meal’s overall GI, slowing digestion and helping to moderate blood sugar levels. A quarter of an avocado, a tablespoon of olive oil in cooking, or a small handful of nuts is sufficient. They not only enhance your meal’s nutritional profile but also add flavors that taste good.

Meanwhile, lean proteins like chicken breast, turkey, and tofu help preserve muscle mass, essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. Balancing your meal with a good protein source and perhaps a dash of healthy fats, like cooking with olive oil or topping your salad with sliced almonds, can help you feel full and maintain consistent energy levels, two things associated with Ozempic.

The Power of Hydration

Proper hydration is an often overlooked aspect of metabolic health. Aim for at least 64 ounces of water a day, depending on your physical activity. Regular water intake is crucial for overall bodily functions, including maintaining optimal blood sugar levels.

Hydration’s role in health is so foundational that it complements any approach aiming to improve metabolic stability. Adding a slice of cucumber or lemon can make the same old water taste better, ensuring you meet your hydration goals.

Crafting a Balanced Diet: Practical Tips

Bringing all these elements together requires balance and moderation.

  • Start your day with a breakfast rich in proteins and low-GI foods; think a bowl of steel-cut oats topped with chia seeds and berries, or a spinach and mushroom omelet cooked with olive oil. These options set the tone for your metabolic responses throughout the day.
  • For lunch and dinner, half your plate should be vegetables, a quarter protein, and a quarter low-GI carbohydrates. This could be a mixed greens salad with grilled chicken and quinoa or a serving of chili using lean turkey and an array of beans.
  • Snacks should also be nutrient-dense. Yogurts, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruits are your go-to items. These ensure you’re not just filling up but nourishing your body, supporting the microbiome, and maintaining blood sugar levels.

Concluding Bite

While Ozempic represents a medical advancement, our daily food choices are just as impactful. Understanding and harnessing the power of nutrition can help sustain health and wellness, often achieving the benefits provided by such medications.

Of course, these dietary strategies don’t replace professional medical advice. Instead, they should encourage a conversation with your healthcare provider about integrating holistic approaches into your health regimen, tailoring them to your individual needs, and, perhaps, letting your meals function as medicine.

Are You Deficient in Key Nutrients?

We have all heard the term ‘eat a balanced diet’. But what does that mean? And, honestly, why should we do it? Finding the ‘right’ foods can be complicated and time-consuming. Is it really worth it?

The answer is ‘Yes!’. Otherwise, your body can be subject to all kinds of complications and diseases. Particular attention should be paid to fruits and vegetables.

Epidemiological and clinical studies have consistently demonstrated the numerous health benefits associated with eating fruits and vegetables, each day. And be sure to get your daily recommended fiber.

Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, regulating muscle function, and supporting nerve transmission. Unfortunately, 70% of Americans fail to meet their recommended daily intake of calcium, which can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Symptoms of calcium deficiency include muscle cramps, weakened bones, and dental problems.

To combat calcium deficiency, include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources. For individuals who are lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet, calcium-fortified plant-based milk, tofu, leafy greens (like kale and collard greens), and almonds can provide adequate calcium intake. Aim for 1,000-1,200 mg of calcium per day, depending on your age and gender.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Even after all the conversations about the importance of vitamin D to fight Covid, half of the U.S. population has a deficiency, especially among those who live in locations with limited sun exposure and northern latitudes.. Vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones, regulating the immune system, and supporting overall well-being.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pain, cancer, bone fractures, and a weakened immune system.

To combat a vitamin D deficiency, the best thing to do is to get out in the sun without sunscreen for about 10-15 minutes a day. For best sunlight, make sure your shadow is shorter than your body. If sun is not available, then incorporate vitamin D-rich foods into your diet.

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources. Additionally, fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and mushrooms exposed to sunlight are also good dietary sources. Aim for 600-800 IU of vitamin D per day to meet your body’s needs.

Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function, collagen synthesis, and iron absorption. Although severe vitamin C deficiency (also known as scurvy) is rare in America, mild deficiencies are still prevalent, with 43% of U.S. adults and 19% of children deficient.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include fatigue, poor wound healing, and susceptibility to infections.

To combat vitamin C deficiency, incorporate vitamin C-rich foods into your diet. Citrus fruits (such as oranges and grapefruits), strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C. Aim for 75 and 90 mg of vitamin C per day for women and men, respectively.

Iron Deficiency

Iron is vital for the production of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, is a common nutrient deficiency, with 17% of premenopausal women and 10% of children in the U.S. . Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and difficulty concentrating.

To combat iron deficiency, include iron-rich foods in your diet. Animal sources such as red meat, poultry, and seafood are excellent sources of heme iron, which is the most absorbable type of iron. Plant-based sources of iron include legumes, tofu, spinach, and fortified cereals.

Pairing iron-rich foods with foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or bell peppers, can enhance iron absorption. Aim for 18 mg of iron per day for women and 8 mg per day for men.

Creating a Balanced Diet to Combat Nutrient Deficiencies

Now that we have discussed the top five nutrient deficiencies in America, let’s explore how to create a balanced diet that can help combat these deficiencies. The table below provides a breakdown of the recommended daily intake of each nutrient and the corresponding foods to include in your diet.

We went straight to Dr. Michael Greger’s book, How Not to Die. He has a ‘daily dozen’ list of foods to put on your meal plan every day. He even has an app so you can check them off.

See his list below for more ways to get all those nutrients into your diet:

Small changes make a big impact

By incorporating these practical tips, you’ll find it easier and more enjoyable to meet your daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables while ensuring you’re getting adequate fiber and protein as well. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance based on your specific nutritional needs.

Consider these Meal Plans!

Scroll down for some examples of meal plans that include each of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D, iron, vitamin B12, calcium and vitamin C. This also includes your daily value of fiber, fat and protein while taking into consideration your recommended caloric intake, based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet (unless otherwise noted).


How Much Protein Should We Eat?

protein shake with almonds

A case study in how much protein is enough

Take, for instance, Patrick and Cynthia. Patrick’s day consisted of sitting at his desk at work, working on his computer, and then coming home to relax on his couch with some TV shows. He rarely engages in any physical activity or exercise except for an after-dinner stroll with his wife.

Patrick’s protein needs are usually calculated based on his body weight, which is 195 pounds. His recommended daily protein intake is  0.35g per pound of body weight, which amounts to approximately 70g of protein per day. This amount of protein is enough to meet Patrick’s minimum physiological protein needs and support his lifestyle.

On the other side of the spectrum is an athletic individual named Cynthia. Cynthia is gearing up for a marathon while weightlifting and doing high-intensity intervals as part of her training.

How much protein does Cynthia need each day? Based on her body weight of 154 pounds and intense level of activity, her recommended daily protein intake is about o.73g per lb., which amounts to approximately 112g of protein per day. This is necessary because her body needs more protein to repair and build muscle tissue, support her high-intensity workouts, and recover faster.

Body weight & lifestyle factors

Most of us fall in between Cynthia and Patrick. We exercise between 30-60 minutes a day, and it can range from yoga and walking to lifting weights and high-intensity cardio. Our protein intake depends on our lifestyle and energy needs.

The American College of Sports Medicine indicates that anywhere from 10-35% of the average American’s diet should contain proteins. In terms of bodyweight, this means a recreational athlete weighing 150 pounds should strive for between 75-90 grams per day.

Of course, if you exercise more, you can increase your protein consumption— but you don’t need to overdo it! If you are eating protein with the hopes of building muscle, the quality, quantity, and timing of consumption is more important than the overall amount you eat.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends eating 20-30 grams of complete protein within 2 hours of exercise.

Which protein sources are best?

When eating protein, you want to make sure it is a complete protein, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids. Eggs, milk, and lean beef are high-quality proteins that are easily digestible. For instance, one large egg contains around 6 grams of protein.

Turkey, chicken, and fish are also a good source of protein. 3 oz. of chicken or fish contains anywhere from 19-24 grams of protein.

Dairy is another great source of protein: a 5.3 oz container of plain Greek yogurt contains 15 grams of protein. A cup of milk has roughly 8 grams of protein and an ounce of cheese contains 7 grams of protein.

Legumes have protein, too! A cup of lentils contains roughly 16 grams of protein. Including a variety of vegetable protein sources in your diet is also a good strategy to ensure you’re getting a range of nutrients.

But let’s say you are the average athlete, and you weigh 150 pounds and need about 75-90 grams of protein. In one day, if you ate:

  • 1 cup of oatmeal (10g of protein)
  • two eggs (12 g)
  • 6 oz of chicken (42g)
  • ½ cup of lentils (8g)
  • 1 cup of black beans (15g)

…you would have consumed 87 grams of protein.

But honestly, that is a lot of food. Plus, you need to add in more fruits and vegetables and some carbs. So, it is tempting to throw in some protein powder on your oatmeal in the morning or eat a protein bar as an afternoon snack.

What about protein supplements?

Are protein products, like shakes, powders, and bars, part of your daily routine? The protein supplement market has been rapidly expanding, with the industry fueled by factors such as the aging population, fitness trends, growing interests in plant-based protein supplements, and accessibility to e-commerce. There is also a continuous interest in self-care, contributing to the growth of this industry.

The question of whether protein supplements are good for you depends on various factors, including your dietary needs, health status, and lifestyle. Of course, like any change in your diet, it is best to ask your doctor.

However, EatingWell suggests that high-quality, third-party tested protein powders with minimal sugar and no harmful additives can be a healthy choice. As we age, we lose muscle, and boosting our protein intake may help increase strength and lean body mass, especially if you have a restricted diet.

Medical News Today also shares research suggesting that protein supplements significantly improve muscle size and strength in healthy adults who perform resistance-based exercise training.

Protein powder considerations

However, it’s important to consider the quality control of protein supplements. As per a review published on Human Kinetics, safety assessments are crucial, especially given the potential addition of cheaper ingredients to increase total protein content.

According to Harvard Health, protein powder supplements can harbor health risks and are recommended only for certain conditions, such as impaired appetite or wounds. You should make sure that the protein powder is ‘clean’ and does not have unnecessary additives. NIH published a study indicating that some protein powder supplements can have heavy metals.

Lastly, online sales of protein supplements have increased, indicating a shift in how consumers purchase these products. However, this also highlights the need for further education on potential health risks from unregulated protein supplements, as stated in a study on Wiley Online Library.

Can you consume too much protein?

You might not need your morning protein shake as much as you think. Of course, like anything else, too much of a good thing is just…too much.

Cleveland Clinic stresses that aside from bad breath, too much protein can overstress your kidneys causing kidney damage, digestive problems, and dehydration. It is always important to drink enough water to make sure your kidneys function well.

MDPI suggests the following:

“…Instead of adding protein and amino acid supplements to high-protein diets, protein should be preferably received from whole foods, such as fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and cereals, along with fibers and other food components supporting the well-being of both the host and their gut microbiota.

This should be highlighted in the nutritional plans of athletes, sportspeople, as well as more sedentary populations.

Protein supplements can certainly be a healthy addition to your diet, but they’re not for everyone. These supplements are often utilized by athletes and those with specific dietary requirements who may struggle to meet their protein needs through food alone.

So, while protein supplements can be beneficial for some, they should be used wisely and under the guidance of a healthcare or nutritional professional.

A Guide to Time-Restricted Eating

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Time Restricted Eating (TRE) has been around for a while, but many of the earlier studies kept suggesting that “more research was needed” to fully understand the benefits of this type of time-based dieting. Well, here it is: a hub for all the recent studies about the topic that build on prior research and speak to how beneficial TRE can be. Of course, each individual is unique and some benefits might be more evident based on individual diets and overall lifestyles.

Time-restricted eating is a form of intermittent fasting that limits what time of day you can eat. TRE has gained popularity as a weight loss strategy, but recent research has also suggested that it has benefits for overall health and longevity. One popular form of TRE is the 16:8 method, where an individual fasts for 16 hours and eats during an 8-hour window, though many other variations exist (e.g., fasting for 14, 16, or 18 hours).

Interested in different benefits of TRE? Jump to the health benefit most relevant to your needs:

SLEEP & CIRCADIAN RHYTHMInsulin Sensitivity & Metabolism, Hormonal Regulation, Melatonin Production, Improved Sleep Quality

BRAIN HEALTHMemory Improvement, Anti-inflammatory, Anxiety and Depression

CHRONIC ILLNESS REDUCTIONType 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Health, Metabolic Disease, Oxidative Stress

WEIGHT LOSSWeight Regulation, Fat Burn, Improved Insulin Sensitivity, Improved Energy Metabolism


Need Help Resetting Your Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythm is the internal biological process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and other physiological processes in the body, including hormone production and metabolism.

Recent studies have shown a strong link between circadian rhythm and metabolism. Disruptions to the circadian rhythm can lead to metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. One of the key ways in which time-restricted eating may benefit the circadian rhythm is by synchronizing the timing of food intake with the body’s natural rhythms.

  • INSULIN SENSITIVITY & METABOLISM: Research has shown that when food intake is aligned with the natural rhythm of the body, it can lead to improved insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and also lipid, or fat, metabolism.
  • APPETITE REGULATION: Additionally, time-restricted eating may help to regulate appetite by synchronizing the release of hunger-regulating hormones with the body’s natural rhythm.
  • MELATONIN PRODUCTION: Another potential benefit of time-restricted eating is that it helps to regulate the body’s levels of melatonin, a hormone that plays a key role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in response to darkness and is responsible for signaling the body to prepare for sleep.
  • IMPROVED SLEEP QUALITY: Research has shown that eating late at night can disrupt melatonin production and lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders. By limiting food intake to earlier in the day, time-restricted eating may help to promote healthy melatonin levels and improve sleep quality.


Want to Improve Brain Health?

Time-restricted eating is not only beneficial for supporting sleep patterns, but it may also have positive effects on cognitive function.

  • MEMORY IMPROVEMENT: Studies have shown that TRE can improve memory, attention, and learning abilities in both animals and humans. This is likely because fasting can stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that plays a key role in neuroplasticity and the growth of new neurons.
  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Additionally, BDNFs derived from fasting also have anti-inflammatory effects that can protect the brain from damage and disease. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience in 2019, found that time-restricted feeding improved cognitive function in mice.
  • ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION: TRE not only offers physical brain benefits, but also psychological benefits. It has been shown that time-restricted eating can improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This may be because it can help regulate the body’s stress response and improve the overall sense of well-being.


Want to Reduce Likelihood of Chronic Illness?

Another potential benefit of time-restricted eating is that it may reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Studies have shown that TRE can improve markers of metabolic health, including reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation.

  • TYPE 2 DIABETES: TRE may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, a growing public health concern affecting over 3 million people in the U.S. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2019 found that time-restricted eating improved markers of diabetes in obese men.
  • CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: TRE also benefits cardiovascular health, as it can improve endothelial function and reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to regulate blood clotting, aiding in the body’s immune response, controlling substances like electrolytes that pass from the blood into tissues, and appropriately dilate and constrict blood vessels.

  • METABOLIC DISEASE: In 2020, a study titled Time-restricted Eating for the Prevention and Management of Metabolic Diseases was published in the journal, Endocrine Reviews. The meta study reviewed TRE’s effects on metabolic health with a focus on its potential to prevent and manage metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The study found that TRE leads to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and improved markers of cardiovascular health, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These findings are consistent with other studies that have shown that time-restricted eating can promote weight loss and improve overall metabolic health.
  • OXIDATIVE STRESS: The study also found that time-restricted eating leads to improvements in markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, which may help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. This is supported by the Salk Institute study which found that time-restricted eating led to a decrease in the expression of genes involved in inflammation, which ultimately lead to these chronic diseases.

The study explored the different protocols of time-restricted eating and how they vary in their effects on metabolic health.

For example, 12 to 18-hour fasts, or short-term fasting protocols, have greater effects on weight loss and insulin sensitivity. However, 24 to 36-hour fasts, or longer-term protocols, have greater effects on markers of oxidative stress and inflammation.


Focused on Weight Loss?

 It’s also worth mentioning that time-restricted eating can be a convenient and easy way lose weight since you’re less focused on counting calories or eliminating certain foods. This makes it a more sustainable approach to weight loss and overall health, as it can be easily incorporated into a person’s daily routine.

  • WEIGHT REGULATION: A study published in the journal Obesity in 2018 found that TRE, in conjunction with a high-fat diet, led to weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity in obese individuals. The study also found that TRE led to an increase in the expression of genes related to circadian rhythm and metabolism, suggesting that TRE may work by aligning the body’s metabolic processes with its natural circadian rhythm.

  • FAT BURN: Another study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2019 found that TRE led to a reduction in body weight and fat mass, as well as improvements in glucose tolerance in obese individuals.
  • IMPROVED INSULIN SENSITIVITY: A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in 2020 found that TRE led to a reduction in body weight and fat mass, as well as improvements in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in overweight and obese individuals.
  • IMPROVED ENERGY METABOLISM: One of the latest studies in Cell Metabolism in 2021 showed that TRE improved energy metabolism and reduced the risk of developing metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Want more information on time-restricted eating?

We’ve got you covered. Check out these articles to learn more about TRE:

Are snacks masking your body’s protein needs?

A year-long Australian study published in the latest issue of the journal Obesity showed eye-opening conclusions about our dietary habits: populations with a preference for highly processed foods like pizza, chips, and snack bars, lead to staggeringly high percentages of obesity.

According to a press release, the lead author of the study, Amanda Grech, Ph.D. stated that: “As people consume more junk foods or highly processed and refined foods, they dilute their dietary protein and increase their risk of being overweight and obese, which we know increases the risk of chronic disease.”

“It is increasingly clear that our bodies eat to satisfy a protein target,” said Professor David Raubenheimer, the Leonard Ullman Chair in Nutritional Ecology at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, “but the problem is that the food in Western diets has increasingly less protein. So, you have to consume more of it to reach your protein target, which effectively elevates your daily energy intake.”

Of course, unless you have been living under a rock, you already know this. But what is new news to us is that our bodies are searching for protein and instead reach for the easy to grab, tasty, highly processed foods.

Searching for Protein in Processed Foods

Studies over the years have found that more than half of our daily calories are coming from highly processed foods. An almost two-decades-long study published last year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that ultra-processed food consumption grew from an alarming 53.5% of daily calories in 2001-2002 to an even more worrisome 57% by the study’s completion in 2018. If the trajectory continued at this rate, it would trend towards 60% by 2035.

The work of these studies set the stage for the latest research on the “protein leverage hypothesis” which details that people eat more fats and carbs to satisfy their protein demand, causing unbalanced diets.

And we need protein for a reason. It fortifies our body in multiple ways.  Among just a few tasks, It helps build cartilage, tissues, repairs your body, carries oxygen through your body, and helps to digests your food.

Compounding research is building a case for the “protein leverage hypothesis,” which was first proposed in 2015 by University of Sydney researchers. To summarize, the hypothesis suggests that our body has a strong appetite for protein, and favors it over fat and carbohydrates. To quickly satiate that protein hunger drive, people unknowingly overeat fats and carbs.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended dietary allowance to prevent deficiency for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

For example, a person who weighs 165 pounds, or 75 kilograms, should consume 60 grams of protein per day.

Think of it like this—instead of seeking a lean piece of grilled chicken, the majority of westerners will instead seek something convenient, like a bag of chips, which you can break open the seal and pop in your mouth in an instant.

However, to satisfy that protein hunger, your body might signal to your brain that, even though you just ate a bag of chips, your hunger still remains, and off you go opening another processed snack until you feel full.

Substituting Highly Processed Foods for Protein Causes Obesity

According to the Institute of Food Technologists, 47% of American adults eat snacks at least three times a day. This has sent the snacks market skyrocketing, with snack food sales reaching over $25 billion in 2019.

Consumer research firm YouGov found America’s most popular snack foods to be Cheetos, Tostitos, Snickers, Fritos, Pringles, Lay’s, Oreos, Jif peanut butter, Planters nuts, Doritos, Ritz, Reese’s, Hershey’s, and M&M’s. According to Statista, we love our convenient, shelf-stable snacks. Most Americans reported having at least one bag of Cheetos per month in 2020, 3 out of 4 Americans eat at least a bag of Fritos per month, and Lay’s is the top dog with the best-selling chips in the U.S.

But at what cost are we consuming these low-protein, ultra-processed snacks? According to this new research, our body will continue to crave calories until that protein hunger is met, leading to a vicious cycle of increased snacking for many.

Let’s do a little protein density comparison, shall we?

  • A 3-ounce chicken breast contains 27 grams of protein and 128 calories. To get the same amount of protein, you would have to eat almost TWO full-size 8.5oz bags of Cheetos, totaling over 2,000 calories. 
  • A 3-ounce salmon filet contains about 17 grams of protein and 108 calories. To comsume the same amount of protein, you would need to eat over 50 Oreo cookies – that’s about 3,000 calories!
  • A 3-ounce cut of lean steak contains about 21 grams of protein and 100 calories. You could have that, or you could opt for a dozen Reese’s cups, about 1,300 calories.

Keep in mind that we’re only talking about protein here. When we choose convenience over protein-dense foods, our body doesn’t get essential nutrients like fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. What we get instead when we eat these foods are excess sugars, omega 6s, and other ingredients causing immune system suppression. There’s a reason why we call highly-processed foods “empty calories”.

Nutritional information stated above sourced from nutritionvalue.org.

But then why don’t we just eat the lean protein-dense options if we know the snack food is bad for us? CONVENIENCE! We live in an era where everything must be easy, quick, and at-your-fingertips. Food is no exception. If you can eat a bag of Fritos while simultaneously working or running errands, we will opt for that every time, as opposed to spending 20 minutes preparing a fresh meal like a grilled chicken breast with veggies.

According to the USDA, ready-to-eat foods like those listed above save time and money but at the cost of our health.

But the research emerging now is giving us some important warnings about these bad habits, AND most importantly, helpful tips like having a protein-dense breakfast, that can help solve a negative eating cycle of highly processed, high-fat, high-carb, low-nutrient snacking.

What you eat first every day matters most

The University of Sydney analyzed nutritional and physical activity surveys from 9,341 adults, known as the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey which was conducted from May 2011 to June 2012.

Researchers plotted calorie intake versus time of consumption and found that the pattern matched that predicted by the Protein Leverage Hypothesis:

People who ate lower amounts of protein in their first meal of the day went on to increase their overall food intake in subsequent meals, versus those who received the recommended amount of protein ate significantly less throughout the day than their counterparts.

According to Dr. Reubenheimer, we will innately eat more to get the protein our body craves, no matter what form it comes in.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to protein intake, however. Requirements can vary between 10 to 35 percent of our total amount of calories for the day.

It is also important to note that not all protein has to come from meat—sources like grains, legumes, eggs, and vegetables can also be well-rounded sources that are not highly processed.

Tufts’ Befuddling “Food Compass”

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Occasional mental confusion is common as one grows older and is nothing to be particularly alarmed about. Really smart people have told me that repeatedly over the years, and I’ve taken comfort in what they said.  Especially when I repeatedly forget where I put my car keys (typically in my coat pocket). Or where I’ve left my reading glasses (usually on my head). Or what my Amazon account password is (a highly punctuated profanity).

But I’ve got to admit I was thrown for a very serious loop when I came across something called the Tufts Food Compass Score…

In case you haven’t heard, the Food Compass Score is supposed to be the latest and best offering from the Really Smart Scientists Community for people trying to make better choices about the food they eat.  The Score applies page after page after page of detailed and elaborately footnoted criteria for judging just how good for us various foods are.

There are all sorts of smart-sounding evaluative criteria related to diet and nutrition, chemistry, biology and all the other subjects I either failed or scraped by with a solid “D” in high school and college.

So I was prepared to be wowed by this newest and supposedly simplest way to judge the food options I have and the choices I make every day. Lord knows I want to live a long, long time. More accurately, I need to live a lot longer if I’m ever going to pay my way out of debt. And what’s better for that than a smart-decision-making tool based on science from an outfit like Tufts University?

Now this prestigious institution has gone and made me wonder: either I’m having a serious period of senior mental confusion, or my faith in the Tufts name and reputation may be misplaced.

You see, the conclusions drawn in their new Food Compass create some real mental disconnects for me. Foods that I like and thought of as at least somewhat “healthy” and good for me fare poorly on the Food Compass. Many I considered suspect at best rank nearer the top of their charts. I don’t pretend to be a scientist or an intellectual, but I have survived seven decades by making what I think are halfway intelligent decisions about what I eat.

The Food Compass Nutrient Profiling System evaluates more than eight thousand foods and beverages, spanning all major food categories against a complex mix of science-based measures related to nutrition and health. The formula also tries to consider foods that are actually mixtures of different foods, such as pizza. Each food winds up with a cumulative score based on a scale of 100 points. The higher the point ranking, the better the food is supposed to be for me.

Foods and beverages scoring 30 or below are to be “minimized.” Those with scores of 70 or better are to be “encouraged.” Anything in between – you’re on your own to decide.