5 Nootropic Foods

By Khala Hurd February 5, 2021


5 Nootropic Foods

By Khala Hurd February 5, 2021

Whether you’re looking for a quick bite of information or want to drop some knowledge on your dinnertime companions, here’s our Featured 5 of the Week! 

Nootropics, otherwise known as “smart drugs” are taking over the supplement market. They’re known for their “brainpower” effects, helping users think more effectively and develop a stronger memory. What many people don’t know is that nootropic properties are also found in whole foods that we eat every day.

5. Salmon

We knew that salmon contained healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but nootropics too?

Salmon is a fatty fish that has a rich nutrient profile. One filet of salmon is a significant source of omega 3s, protein, vitamins B12, D, E, and selenium. Salmon also helps maintain high brain function due to its high DHA density from omega 3s and its high protein profile. Salmon can also improve the ability to send and receive messages in our brain.

Salmon is one mighty superfood! Try eating 3-4 ounces of salmon a week to reap its benefits.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are a well-known superfood, but they are also a natural nootropic.

Blueberries are one of the most versatile, yet nutrient-dense fruits. There are so many ways to eat them, as a snack, in yogurt, in granola, even in dessert – the possibilities are endless. Blueberries help boost cognitive function because they’re high in antioxidants, including anthocyanins. These antioxidants also help protect the brain from free radicals caused by aging, making them a useful tool to help reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s too.

If you want to see the nootropic results from blueberries, trying incorporating 2 cups a day into your diet.

3. Spinach

These greens are more powerful than they look!

Spinach is great for our bodies. It’s full of vitamins and minerals, like vitamins K, A, C, and B12, magnesium, iron, and folate. They’re known to improve eye health, reduce stress, prevent cancer and other diet-related illnesses, and aid in bone support. When it comes to the brain, spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin for faster mental recall and increased memory. Spinach can even enhance athletic ability. We’ve all heard of Popeye, and even though it was a cartoon, there is some truth around the strengthening capabilities of spinach.

One cup of spinach a day is more than enough to see its benefits. But remember, a cup of spinach in its regular form isn’t actually a cup. Instead, think of what cooked spinach would look like in a cup and do your measurements off of that. Eating spinach doesn’t have to be boring either! Add spinach to your eggs, a smoothie, or try a breakfast wrap that we eat almost every morning here.

2. Dark Chocolate

Oh, yes – chocolate!

We love knowing that dark chocolate can help us stay healthy. Dark chocolate is known to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, raise good HDL cholesterol, and, of course, improve brain function. Dark chocolate is made from cocoa beans and is rich in flavanols. Cocoa beans help increase blood flow to the brain and trigger the production of new brain cells, keeping your brain in tip-top shape.

So, don’t feel guilty about having that one piece of chocolate at night! Just remember, only dark chocolate made with 70% cocoa or higher has these benefits. To avoid too much sugar, be sure to eat in moderation – only 1-2 ounces a day.

1. Eggs

If you enjoy eggs at breakfast, then you’re already on the right track!

Eggs are one of the easiest and healthiest foods to incorporate into your diet. They are full of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in choline. Choline is especially important for our brains because it helps with transmitting signals across neuronal membranes. Choline creates acetylcholine in the body, which helps the body retain memories and achieve restful sleep.

There are so many ways to enjoy eggs. Here are a few of our favorite recipes below:

And for more information, including a long list of nootropic foods, head to our article – Nootropics: How to Eat for a Better Brain 

The Bottom Line

Whole foods have many powerful benefits—nootropics included! Incorporating these five foods into your diet will help you think faster, smarter, and remember more.