Hillary E. Kaufman
Hillary E. Kaufman
Click to listen as Lucy interviews Hillary.
Hillary believes in the power of research to substantiate sound decision-making, especially when it comes to learning about our food system. Hillary’s earlier career centered on forecasting consumer trends and researching potential investment ideas in the healthcare and consumer goods spaces. But as her family grew, Hillary’s priorities shifted. So, in 2017, she enthusiastically joined D2D.
As a team member, Hillary manages the D2D website and makes sure readers have a great experience navigating all our content across our varied subjects, media experiences, and platforms. Given her love of cooking, she’ll write about the issues affecting our decision-making at the grocery store. This often includes all those gimmicky labels we see on our foods that make us falsely assume one product is superior. The worst offender to date? Non-GMO salt.
Hillary hopes her contribution to the site helps readers make research-driven food decisions for their families, as it has with hers.

Vitamin D & Sun Exposure
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for overall health. Sunlight is the most accessible source, but overexposure to UV rays increases the risk of skin damage and cancer. How can we balance vitamin D intake while protecting our skin? Let’s explore the latest science and recommendations.