Lucy M. Stitzer

Lucy M. Stitzer

Lucy M. Stitzer

Click to listen as Garland West interviews Lucy.


Founder, Editor

Lucy’s passion for ensuring people everywhere have access to healthy, safe, and sustainable food began when her first child was born. Lucy and two of her sons have a unique blood disorder which encouraged them to ‘eat well’ and live a healthy lifestyle. She began researching what foods could help.

What the young, working mom found was a vast and complex food system.

There was (and still is) a wealth of misinformation, fads and outright lies about food. Lucy’s journey with her sons inspired her to research and understand the science around food and food production.

Today, Lucy also believes an educated food consumer can transform the global agricultural system. She is determined to make evidence-based food research and information accessible to consumers so they can make the best choices for themselves and their families.

By demanding best practices using innovation, technology and sound science, consumers can ensure farmers and producers use fewer chemicals, create healthier soil, protect clean air, and bring the healthiest, sustainable food to market. At the same time, Lucy believes that consumers are capable of aiding American farmers and food producers to be profitable, eco-sensitive and more competitive in the global agricultural market.

Through D2D, Lucy is putting food knowledge and power where it belongs —

with the consumer.

Lucy loves excitement and fun activities with her three boys and husband. She runs, skis, golfs, gardens, rides motorcycles, and flies airplanes.